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Wow, the hangovers from this party are going to be legendary ...


Undoubtedly best line.


Stay strong, Martin!

Dylan T

The gremlin eyes are strong


Jeph tell me you're going to put that in a song *please*


I love how Marten is refusing to acknowledge the situation 😂


Not the power loader ahahah 😂


"Stupider here by the minute", like he said a week ago. He's re-living early QC levels of insanity and is just trying to ride it out, poor bastard.

Captain Button

She could crawl into them and be safe and warm forever.


Best line you've ever written? Definitely. No amount of Tarantino-esque dialogue will ever top your magnum opus: "TITTIES"

Stephen Wells

Somehow Moray seems to be *more naked* in each strip.

Stephen Wells

Nonzero chance that Liz wakes up tomorrow sandwiched between Evan and Moray's pillowy bosoms, the happiest goblin in the world.


“Put me in your cleavage. I’ll ride you like a power loader.” is possibly the greatest line in comics history, if not all fiction combined.

Shawn K. Younkin

LOL- Liz seems to be a sexual harassments charge just waiting to happen.

red sands

My brain keeps thinking moray is slug from waist down but nope there's legs

Ruth Merriam

Claire has found her chill.


Words cannot describe my exuberant reaction to two first panels. Also, I'm convinced that there's a sentient Power Loader on Cubetown.


I like how Marten went into "grumpily ignoring this bullshit mode".

Steve H

That girl behind Claire made me think it was Hanners for a second.

Jaron Mortimer

Evan: "Oh God, she's going to offend Claire." Also Evan: *Doesn't know Claire has lived with Pintsize for a long, long time*

Ben French

Ngl, love Marten's reaction in the last panel.


Oh, some people *should not drink* until they’ve at least done a course of therapy.


Did Liz knock her stool over?

Graydon Armstrong

Liz won't be fired for getting nothing done, she'll be fired for sexual harassment.

Chris Warren

The best line is in panel 2. :)


"I've always called her that in my head but never had the Dutch courage to say it out loud!"

Merle Blue

Liz is a little drunk right now. As in, she is little, and she is VERY drunk.


Is it just me or does Claire look like she's sitting on a throne in the last panel?


"Just drinkin' my beer, just drinkin' my beeeeeer, JUST DRINKIN' MY BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER....."

Bill Silvia

Alternatively, some people need a drunk crying session before they're ready for therapy.

Bill Silvia

Something about the drama of "APPELBOOM!" "TITTIES!" still makes me burst out laughing at random times.


Thank you for this. I read it with my coffee this morning and I haven't stopped laughing for a full 10 minutes.

Hugh Eckert

Love this! Especially how Moray is just taking it all in, absorbed but neither amused or appalled. Also, Marten is taking the wise path- "I need more beer in order to deal with this."


This was truly a comic needed for a Monday. Bless you, Jeph.

Stephen Wells

Evan reminds me a bit of Adora (She-Ra): tall, jacked, deeply neurotic sense of duty, charges in without thinking, actually a total marshmallow, ends up married to the tiny chaos gremlin :)


Marten looks like he's enthusiastically trying to drink his way out of the situation


new life goals just dropped


Lol Claire may be into guys but she's got the lesbian seating arrangement down pat


Marten gets out his Doonesbury face in the last panel.


Eh. Queer folk hang out with queer folk, we can't help but adopt each other's mannerisms from time to time.


I've suddenly noticed that Claire has become the main character for QC, and has been for a while now. When did that happen?


Every time some chud whined about Claire being trans, Jeph added +1 Main Character Point out of spite.