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little screws...



John Fiala

man, sounds like Faye has a whole bucket of screws loose!

Carl Fink

I'm actually sort of disappointed robot bodies use screws. Surely there are more advanced fasteners available.

Ben French

*gasp* a WHOLE BUCKET of little screws. Emmett is gonna have so much fun sorting.


Thing is, there's plenty of advanced fasteners. But humans have been using screws since ancient Greece for a reason, they work. And with that experience we also know how to anticipate and avoid problems(generally via washers). Why go complicated if simple will work just as well while being cheaper and easier?

Zak Reichle

I don't remember Bubbles having ever referred to Hanners as "our friend" before 😍 Also I am willing to bet that Faye is responsible for the existence of said bucket full of screws/fasteners, much like her putting random ball bearings of various sizes into the same container before 😏

Captain Button

Does Union Robotics need to have all those weird tools for non-standard screw and bolt heads?

Brad Kirkwood

that actually sounds like great fidget activity (at least better than tearing receipts into smaller and smaller pieces)


Then Hannerlore bursts through the wall “did I hear you’re sorting screws?!”


Given how Hannelore reacted to Winslow's Day of the Invisible Emu, I'm not sure she's ready for Emmett

Opus the Poet

They need to be sorted by diameter and thread pitch. So a micrometer and thread pitch gauge?

Doug DeJulio

I'm shipping Hanners and Emmett now, and this does not make me feel good about myself.

David Paul

More than likely. You can get engineer screwdriver kits with replaceable heads from most tool shops, especially ones that supply to trade customers.


I must admit to being Emmett in this situation, at least at their age. I remember organising my brother to help me sort Lego pieces instead of using them to build something...

Brooks Moses

Not all relationships are romantic. They would make an excellent adoptive-aunt/nibling pair.


Aaaaah... and thus the Emmett-Hanners meeting was set in motion :D


Since it apparently needs to be said... It's fiction. They're fictional characters. You can imagine whatever you like in your own head (and it's not "creepy" if you want to ship them). So go for it.


I love these dorks so much.

Foal Papers

Wait, there are people who /don’t/ enjoy sorting buckets of little screws? That’s just weird.


Do not kill the Hanners. She is my favorite.


How many of those more advanced fasteners are a one-way trip down fastening lane?

Captain Button

In AI-ridden Northampton, the Snap On truck doesn't have a driver, because it is an AI's body.

Captain Button

Plus her mom is an unscrupulous billionaire and her dad can drop tungsten rods on any spot on Earth.

Matt Pedone

I'm down for the picking through and sorting into piles. It's on someone else at that point to find homes for them all.

Summer Sudbrink

In the time that it took Bubbles to say: "In the meantime..." she had already searched the entire Internet, calculated the best deals, and ordered the parts.


We used to use coffee cans when I was a child, when nearly everyone got their coffee in cans. now I suppose you could use spice jars and gelato containers.

Frank Wales

Somehow, Hannelore sorts the biggest screws into a category she calls "would be useful to sexy firemen"

Stephen Wells

This gives her plenty of time free later in the day to devote to Faye's ass and the worship thereof.

Some Ed

Yes, and they have this single bucket full of all sorts of various screws *and* bolts *and* nuts because Faye saw Hanners' reaction to the ball bearings and knew to hide it. I mean, it *had* been sitting right next to the jar of ball bearings, but fortunately tunnel vision.

Robert Heinig

Why would chaos energy harm Hanners? She's got enough of it herself. Bystanders, though...

Ruth Merriam

Please order 200 sorting trays while you're at it.


Well, she wouldn't have ordered any parts, because they need to make an estimate and have the customer approve it (and probably put down an advance payment).


As long as said trays can double as storage once the screws are sorted. Otherwise it would be a waste of money.

Ruth Merriam

I should have included that detail as an obvious part of the description. Did I just acquire a couple dozen last week for All The Sorting Needs? Why yes. Yes, I did. 😆


In this respect, I'm sorry Faye. Siding screw SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKS.

Clifton Royston

I remember at one time, way way back, Snap-On Tools T shirts used to be soooo popular with my butch friends. (Is “diesel dyke” still a point of pride? I’d be wary of using it today without knowing if it’s still a thing.)

Ursus Ridens

Emmett -- fighting entropy??