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Tail 2: Tails




Bubbles is resigned to being the Common Sense here


Okay but Emmett isn’t at all WRONG. That would be quite cool.


Did... did Jeph just make a hockey joke? He is assimilating.


Everyone's focusing on the hot-swap tails (and, valid) but I wanna give props to Faye for reassuring Emmett that they were allowed to be wrong without it being a bad thing or something to be sorry for

Thomas A. Dennis

Tail Harder. A whole assortment of hot-swappable tails, in a quiver like Hawkeye

Yelling Bird

Hot-Swappable Tails. Didn't I learn to play that on the recorder in grade school?


If that idea pans out Faye and Bubbles are about to be filthy rich. From what I've seen of the robots in QC I think they'll line up around the block for this upgrade.


Explosive tails? Yeah, surely that's not EVEN MORE DANGEROUS than explosive diarrhea...

Stephen Wells

This arc is moving inexorably to the conclusion that THIS is why some robots have buttholes. Okay, this is the OTHER reason why some robots have buttholes.

Salodni Ikkis

"the big bucks" is actually just comically oversized money with no value

Daniel Blom Paulsen

THIS. It's such a small detail, but it reveals SO much about Emmett's insecurities. (Though I truly hope it DOESN'T reflect something in their upbringing ...)


That's the sound the cheeks make when one retracts and another extends. Although that implies an ass-quiver of assorted tails.


I can see tail base stencils on the copycats, trying to forge Sam's signature designs that come with the Union Robotics originals. 🙂


Most people don't want the big bucks if the big does (as in females) come with.

Thomas A. Dennis

Well, a loadout appropriate to the situation. Sticky Tail, Swiss Army Tail, Chocolate Fountain Tail, Surprise Tail... the possibilities are endless.

Summer Sudbrink

Do want robot 9-tail foxes? Because this is how you get them… and I’m ok with that.


In order to keep deep-pocketed teams from simply stacking expensive talent there is a cap on the collective salary paid to players per team.


Yeah, I was wondering if they still owed than loan to Dora for their lease, and how much they owed on all that fancy equipment.

Stephen Wells

Dora didn't give them a loan, she co-signed the lease so they could use her credit rating. They don't owe her money, just undying gratitude and their souls.

Comics Ladybird

Now, listen to me Bubbles: the tail system should be designed for swappability, *but* you only build one for now as a minimum viable product; the design will serve in case of a future request and/or for upgradeability.

Mike O'Dell

YES! Even if it’s too ‘spensive to ship FCS, he gets big props for stretchin’ his brain. That’s how you help build people wanna work with doing New Things.


A City of Two Tails


Clever. Not to burst your bubble, but someone beat you by about 20 hours.


No, you do the first one with the second tail for free to demonstrate viability. Any commissions after that have to purchase each tail separately.

Stephen Wells

And I think they took almost all of the equipment out of the old illegal robot fighting ring, so it's technically... plunder?


You have to see this--I couldn't resist posting it after your joke: https://twitter.com/T_Rolston/status/1645183469004128259.


ack, the mystery of AI butthole functionality solved!!


‘HOT SWAPPABLE TAILS!’ is my new curse

Some Ed

If your grade school class was anything like mine, no, no you did not, and your teacher was so frustrated as a result. (To be clear, I mean everybody in my class, including the supposedly tone deaf fool posting this.)

Some Ed

They only owe Dora for their lease if they've been delinquent. Depending on whether they communicated to Dora on time about such delinquency, either she had to cover it and they owe her that money, or she had to cover it *and* the penalties. Btw, if someone cosigns your loan and you can't make a payment, let them know in time to cover you. Because it's better if they can cover you before you're technically late.

Some Ed

Since the hot swapable tail can be detached and reattached without difficulty, it by itself demonstrates the viability unless your customer has virtually no imagination. Since they've discussed the possibility of multiple tails, even a lack of imagination shouldn't be an obstacle.

Comics Ladybird

@awgiedawgie I respect the hustle and am generally in favor of try-before-you-buy, but this kind of marketing strategy is only really viable if you’re VC-funded; Union Robotics is clearly bootstrapped, and I don’t think the principals would want it any other way.

Am Queue

Off topic, I hate how, when I've inadvertently hit the profile picture when I'm trying to load more comments, pressing the back button reloads the page such that I have to press all those Load Comments again. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Am Queue

To the best of my knowledge, neither I nor my husband ever indicated to our kids that incorrect answers are failures, or bad, or anything but a stepping stone to further brainstorming. Nonetheless, my eldest has serious anxiety over pleasing authority and getting things wrong. It's heartbreaking, and I'm at times gutted that all I can do is listen to them complain about their current therapist not understanding. (Yes, I know, shop till you get one that helps. Hard to do on Medicaid.)

Ursus Ridens

I've been using 'CHOCOLATE-COVERED BACON-WRAPPED DEEP-FRIED TWINKIES!' for a while now. Good for use when you hit your thumb with a hammer, but probably too mild for, say, some recent Supreme Court rulings. Tho' much of the time, when I use it around other people, they say something like 'Actually, that sounds sorta good.'

Ursus Ridens

Weren't they just asking themselves what robot buttholes are for?