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it might be the big eyes



Todd Ellner

The police need to hire her. Or she needs a counseling license

Todd Ellner

The thing I loved about John Wick was that a bunch of vicious, evil oligarchs used a bunch of vicious, evil sociopaths to kill oligarchs and sociopaths. For the most part only wastes of oxygen died. Decent people were mostly not in the line of fire. And they spent lots of money killing each other. Never could understand the appeal of John Wick as "hero". He was the biggest monster, got most of his toys taken away, shot the wrong monster and lost the rest of them and maybe will have to kill more monsters. Whoop-de-farking-do

Todd Ellner

Oh, good! Hope a whole bunch of cruel bastards killed each other in the Big Pie Fight.

Todd Ellner

Yay lends the robot police one of their avatars in full androgynous red-eyed Spookybot "I could snuff out the Sun like a candle" Uncanny Valley Ranch drag as bad cop. Big Eyes is good cop. It would be glorious and send the department's closed case numbers through the roof.

Daniel Rydberg

God I hope this blondie robot gets added to the cast permanently as a friend to everybody.

Daniel Rydberg

Why not both? Sounds like another ”consultant detective police drama” that needs to happen. The AI that is not a detective nor a counselor but is hired by both police and health care on freelance basis because everybody opens up to her and no one knows why. And then the worlds collide.

Lucas Werkmeister

So are we calling the new character grandmother? “Goodness, what big eyes you have!”


How is everyone you draw so goddamn adorable???


Can we keep this one?


She's friend-shaped

David Durant

I also like her a lot (and she's very cute) but it's a bit of an in-your-face joke that works well a couple of times but would wear thin quickly.

Douglas E. Smith

I think she has a version of Aurelia's Mom Vibes that made Yay spill their feelings all over the place, which just goes to show that mom-ness is not limited to squishy fleshy humans.

Daryl Sawyer

Interesting concept. Maybe it's like a supercharged industrial version of what naturally occurs in humans as "mom vibes".

Carl Rigney

Maybe she would do better as a bartender than a receptionist. And the prehensile tail would come in very handy for shaking drinks hands-free!


or a daycare worker watching over the kids. use the tail to grab em if they get to rowdy

Captain Button

With three arms you can serve drinks while keeping your harpoon ready with the other two hands.

Stephen Wells

She and Brun can work bar together and her confessional face powers will make Brun and Millie admit they're in love :) ...we can dream...


I haven't been this excited over a buddy picture since Rebecca and Valencia were sitting on the couch with bare feet!


Depending on how strong the tail is, she could also use it to subdue the more... rowdy... bar crowd.

Eric Lusby

People do this with me all the time too! Fortunately my (currently stalled) career is clinical social work.

Todd Ellner

Just pictured her hanging from a largish drone by her tail. No reason why