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Extra arms is complicated



Dean Reilly

"I didn't say that" said Bubbles, watching an expensive customisation job head for the long grass.


I would like a prehensile tail.


Get me my popcorn. I was wondering when we'd get around to finding, or watching the beginning of, AI furries.


Bubbles has always been the one focused on the job at hand. For good or ill, Faye has been the one to constantly upsell/drive new business. Right now, Bubbles is addressing the current concerns and costs (which are most likely out of the price range of someone who's first choice was do-it-yourself), while Faye is thinking about what they can do to get a future job.


Back when I used to sew, I made a shirt with three sleeves.

Stephen Wells

Next highly NSFW Patreon exclusive: Faye and Bubbles trying out matching furry-tail buttplugs :) once they realise that THAT's why Bubbles has a...

Dan Curtis

Where would be the ideal placement for one extra arm on a human shaped body?

Robert Wrigley

Arguably, on an extended torso that allows the "shoulders" of the two arms on one side to shift forwards and backwards as needed, to allow the lower arms a wider range of motion. I think the real problem is musculature, since moving those arms requires contact points for the muscles and tendons that would be complicated to integrate with the existing ones. Am I over thinking this? Of course!

Todd Ellner

Mirror and offset a second scapula. Expand and extend chest muscles adding extra heads. The analog to the clavicle is going to be tricky but doable. Sternum should be lengthened or thickened because of the extra load. I can visualize but not quite describe possible changes to back musculature

Todd Ellner

Yeah. If you're doing one extra arm might as well go for symmetry. Speaking of symmetry both sets of shoulders can be modified so neither set of arms has full range of motion. Not as good for climbing which they evolved to be great at, but the arboreal lifestyle isn't o much a thing these days


My Wife has always wanted one. That, and being 2-3" taller.


In the comic Girl Genius, there's a few people with four arms - two in the "normal" location, and two just below that (roughly where our friend here tried to attach that one). It seems to work out fine for them. Of course, they were born that way, so there were no extensive (or expensive) procedures involved.

Brian Lort

Zaphod Beeblebrox has 3 arms and seems to be OK


The strength in your arms already comes from a lot of muscles that are layered over your shoulders & rib cage. Doubling up on those is going to make you extremely top-heavy AND add a bunch of pressure to that rib cage that contains all your organs and while maybe you can have some more delicate arms, I'd also argue your currently existing arms will be in the way of a lot of tasks you might want to do with new arms. Instead I posit you should attach a second set of arms at the sides of your hips. You already have a large pelvis structure to attach musculature to, and your legs go straight down so they won't be in the way of of most of the motions you'd like to do with arms. It would lower your center of gravity, which is easier to compensate for, and they'd be right next to your and your partner's genital-

Ursus Ridens

And, eventually, thus was born Ardent Gemini Cardamom Vicissitude the First. (Good thinking to stick with the bilateral symmetry, though. It worked for the Hallucigenia, it works for the platyhelminthes, it works for the lemurs, and it seems to work for most of the embodied AIs.)

Some Ed

You clearly haven't really watched Zaphod move. He walks around like he's wearing a prosthetic arm and a prosthetic head. Also, and I think this bit's important, he thinks peril sensitive sunglasses are a good idea.

Some Ed

I think maybe something like Akela of Super Normal Step. First featured on page 54. It's late and I don't feel like finding one of the pages where she's shown well. Basically, to work around the inconvenience for the upper arms, the lower arms are significantly smaller. They're good for delicate work. Of course, she was born that way, but I expect with the right drivers, this AI could possibly work as well as if it was her original design. But I doubt they'd get them right on the first try. She'd probably be a regular by the time they got it right.

Todd Ellner

On one hand, few would get the reference. On the other hand, it would be appropriate. On the gripping hand it would be completely unbalanced and impractical to have an arm that big

Ursus Ridens

See various images of the god Shiva, who is often though not always depicted with four arms, or sometimes with what seem to be four forearms.

Merle Blue

Prehensile tail, adjustable shins, and an upgraded sleep module. Hook me up, cyberpunk people! I want those mods!

Merle Blue

*slams both hands on the table* TAIL PLEASE