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get the velvet rope




I for one welcome our new Bibliothecarian Overlord.

Douglas E. Smith

Claire could get some pointers from Marten's Mom about projecting the Satanic Librarian vibe, but I guess that would be weird for Marten.


One of your finest Robutts, Jeph.

Zak Reichle

It's nice to see Liz being protective of, and looking out for, other people so readily.

Greg Morrow

The most powerful organizing force is having to present your work to someone else.


This is where Claire negotiates an appropriately yuuuuge signing bonus.

Ruth Merriam

Liz has found her true calling.

Jim Feldman

Martin's new coffee shop name; "Dewey Decimal's Coffee and Tea"

Donna Flint

Man I would really hate for there to be some administrative reason Claire can't take the job.


Well, whatever administrative reason that is would have to be prepared to explain it to all of Cubetown, including Liz who still might not have got all the dickpunching out of her system

Michael Keogh

Liz can be Marten’s new sidekick A-Cup, instead of Half-Pint.

Some Ed

Absolutely. For years, I was the champion of having code reviews, and though I struggled to write legible code, the code I wrote was complete illegible crap. Finally, we got approval to have a code review process, and my code quality went up immensely because finally I had to show someone else. And they had to understand it. I think it's less that I was forced to have them look at my code, because I'm sure had I not pushed for code reviews, I could have gone for years longer without having them. But suddenly I had a target audience to aim for, and that target audience wasn't me five minutes before I got the idea for the update.


dat goo


...except for *other* short people, of course. We KNOW she'll attack. It's Harlan Ellison Syndrome, and having met the man years and years ago I can promise it's well named.


Unless you're perfectly polite. I too met the man (a number of times). Just think of his personality archetype as 'Baba Yaga', If you use all your well-learned politesse, you'll survive unharmed.


At this point, they are her closest - and possibly only - friends. They have shown her not only that *they* care, but also that *she* is worth caring about. I think she would defend them to the death.