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Liz and Bubbles would get along great (no they wouldn't)



Donna Flint

While its a shame we don't know what she ordered, we can be reasonably certain it is not a Miller High Lite. Looks more like a Peels with that color.

Zak Reichle

Still better than Colt 45... 🤢 High School was an interesting time.


Liz has made the classic error of ordering an American standard lager. such a shame.


Mr. Tender, perhaps you can tell me what the lead content is of what I'm drinking?


My vo-ag teacher, long, long ago, told us boys once "No one drinks beer for the taste, I don't care what they tell you."


In the late 1940s/early 1950s my Dad sold Piels in Philadelphia. One bartender called it "love in a canoe" beer. When Dad asked why, he replied "fucking near water". Dad told me Piels launched this big ad campaign, and sales took off - then fell off a cliff. Everyone tried it, everyone hated it - and told their friends.


There's a 100% chance that we're going to get a strip titled "Tender's Game". (It's darts)

Gorbulus Maximus

Does Bartholomew Tender aka BT also make pretty ok but also very shiny pop-wise dance music? Because I could definitely see that as an explanation (outside my own personal headcanon) as to why BT be like that.


I like beer but it is OK to not like it. My wife can't stand it. I liked it so much when I joined the US Army I asked to be stationed in Germany so I could try all their beers. LOL

John Ridley

I'm 59 and I still feel the same about alcohol. And coffee and tea for that matter. The taste of all of them makes me ill.

Thomas A. Dennis

Now Claire will have to change her name to Liesl Brarian.

Ruth Merriam

Ban all IPAs and let's get back to actual, y'know, BEER. Like the Belgians and Germans drink. And the Irish. Okay, and ales and pilsners. But not anything that makes your mouth whither, and certainly nothing that costs less per case than water.


interesting. I love all of those. but I'm the only person I know who considers the taste of milk disgusting and one of 2 who can't stand the taste of cola (doesn't matter what brand).


Got news for you, the Germans like IPAs too. I lived over there for three years and did my best to try every Alt and Weiss I could find, but I drank plenty of local IPAs too. 'Actual beer' is just beer and all beers are actual beers (except for the crap they sell at German McDonalds, which needs to be poured back into the horse it came from.)

Ruth Merriam

Then I'll just say my personal preference is to never let a heavily hopped beer past my lips because I find it foul-tasting. Others obviously disagree and they are more than welcome to drink up! I'm awfully partial to a good hefeweizen on tap.


Jeph agrees with you! Remember, Bubbles once said: "India Pale Ales smell like a man urinating in a freshly-mown field. As he urinates, he explains to me a subject which I already understand. I cannot get him to stop."