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we now return you to your regularly scheduled awful goblin scientist



Stephen Wells

Claire will immediately ask Marten "Can you help me find a doctor... Apfelbaum? She hasn't been seen for a while and Moray is freaking out in case an orca ate her too."

Mad Marie

T-minus fourteen strips until Elizabeth discovers she is a robot.

Mad Marie

My universe is best described as ADD/OCD correspondence.


But can she even get high when she's so short? :-D


I wonder at what point Claire will realize that the interview ended a long time ago and now she's simply doing the job

Daryl Sawyer

lmao, she has the goblin eyes in that last panel.

Shawn K. Younkin

Or she makes the flow chart for everyone to follow and is then promptly told she is not needed anymore because the have "The Chart".

Ruth Merriam

Oh look. Marten already has a job description. Maybe Liz is high from something that's been growing behind the cabinets down there in the sub-basement?


Meeting Emily would utterly pulverize what little self-esteem yet remains within her


Absolutely no way that anyone would be able to read The Chart without her xD Only The Librarian can read The Chart.

Daryl Sawyer

That, or give her someone she can really talk to about her ideas. Maybe they could finally tackle that problem of entropy Emily has been wanting to deal with together. Which is to say, William Cole is correct. :p


Or OR They start dating in 3 months, give or take TARDIS shenanigans.

Clifton Royston

Only The Librarian knows how to fix the things revealed by The Chart. (I was kind of in that position in one job at around 20.)

Stephen Wells

Not Elonesque because she's genuinely clever and has actual qualifications.


Yeah, an Elonesque character would have paid Cubetown to say he founded it, and would then spend all his time wandering around it, firing random people and turning off essential servers.


Oh thank god. I dreamed it was christmas and Jeph told us we'd have to wait 2 weeks to find out what happened next

Brian Lort

I love the defintion of science!I've been there - in almost the same situation. Now I want to to know how Jeph manage to read my mind in such detail! I'm kinda freaked out how accurate this web comic is. Full disclosure : I used to be a particle physicist at CERN (in pre-LHC days)