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I sat down and entered a fugue state and when I came out of it this was on my Cintiq, I take no responsibility for my actions



Woot ♥️♥️♥️


I’m in love <3


We thank you for your service


Talk about a Bubble Butt. Too bad there isn't one from the front too


*gasp* she has many reasons to be called bubbles huh

Daniel S

Faye perving from the corner

Joel Bateman

Gosh, I hope that dumptruck has a backup beeper

Brent Ward

Goddamn, I'm down with the thiccness


Wish her philosophical joy.

Adam Friedlander

The butts disease has crossed the organic/machine barrier We're doomed (_(_)


Ancillary I/O port. :3c


Hannelore next! 😍

Evey Hunter

blessed be 🙏🙏🙏

Zak Reichle

Waiting for Fart Captors response to this one...🍿

Marven Balori

Cause buttholes are the best!


Thank you!

Andrea Andrew

Bubbles is amazonianly beautiful, and like Faye, is very cheeky.

Andrew Hess

Mech-SnuSnu confirmed.


Moar butts but no disease here...

Andrea Andrew

More of these for all the characters would be nice.

Kyle Major

thats easy, creator is a perv


I'm pretty sure when I started reading QC it wasn't even in the triple digits yet. And it has all led to this moment.

Zak Reichle

The new religion 🥹🥵😍 God damn, Bubbles! No wonder your girlfriend sings when she watches you put on/take off pants

John Smutko


Thom Cate

Surely she can scan and index Bubbles_FAQ.txt?


<strike>Looks more like buttcheeks than a butthole to me... but</strike> I ain't complaining... :D (Squinting harder and using my PC instead of my phone helps...)


Death by snu-snu? Faye: This is the way you want to go.

Matt Grayson

Jesus Tapdancing Christ!

Brian English

By the Eight, the Three, and the One! Those be birthin’ hips!


Drawing such cheesecake is very cheeky of you, Jeph.


Heh heh heh, "Bubble Butt"

Peter Jensen

You know, I think it was actually mentioned (perhaps as a joke), but right now I can't find the comic with it.

Captain Button

We saw her in those supershort shorts that Steve's Philosophy and Marine Science gf lent her.



Josh Hoffman

I'm here for all the QC NSFW pinups.


Wait. Bubbles never did explain the source of her nickname. Could it be because her butthole can, well, make bubbles?

Salodni Ikkis

Probably for... butt stuff


I served my time IRL, not in QC time. I was out by the time I read that I was in!

Grace Kieser

It was given to her by her squad, but she doesn't remember why they called her that.

Grace Kieser

Is it just me, or is she thiccer than when she has her clothes on? That's some damn impressive shapewear!


They're usually designed for less of the I and more of the O

Garrett Brunson

I desire more of such content 💓💓💓






I mean, this is all kinds of cute and hott and whatnot, but for some reason I am most obsessed with the subtle hint at the horseshoe shape of her triceps.

Mr. Ifrit

And so it begins.


Didn't know I needed it till I saw it.

Michael Keogh

ChemWep/Nerve Gas port, when she's in combat mode and whatever when she is in comfort mode. Bubbles indeed!


when I opened my E-Mails I did not expect so see this... I am not complaining

Michael Boettger

(Knock knock) Who's at the door? Why, it's Sir Mix-a-lot!! Come on in!


To have any chance of *understanding* humans, you must have both a Butt, and a Hole within it. This was a fundamental understanding from Hannelore's dad, although he did not fully appreciate *why* this was true.


I'm sure Faye will help you explore and find the reason. ...Or you could just check the manual.

Spoogle McGee

Woo! Hopefully the next fugue will be sooner rather than later.

Mr. Ifrit

All ends are beginnings to something being awakened. Stay woke!

W H Sparkman

She has a beautiful rear! But is she anatomically complete in the front? Inquiring minds want to know.



Thomas Halpin

To generate questions. See? It works.

Celine Chamberlin

I just love Bubbles. And it's interesting to see how pliable her skin and flesh really are.

Fart Captor

I'm gonna have to ponder this question 🥵

Logan Nix

😳👉👈 i am looking SO very respectfully

John Vogel

It's always good to have options.


We get pinups in here? Aw yeah

Andrea Andrew

I guess we’ve gotten to the bottom of this. 😁😁 She really made an ass of herself here. 🤣😁🤣


First of Ellen in them, and Faye a few later: https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=385 Also, Faye in another skirt: https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=351


@Andrew, "I understood that reference." https://www.dumbingofage.com/2023/comic/book-13/02-turning-saints-into-the-sea/kindasorta/


Still combat ready...

Darnel D Cooper

Man,...... restraint fraying on this one.

Sean Kinlin

But if you're careful, some of them have a high tolerance for the I.

Studio Errilhl

There should definitely be a NSFW version of Bubbles, Faye and a few others. Side-huzzle. 😂


And this is why she's called bubbles


Now we just need more doggy photos, Jeph! Doesn’t have to be your silly good boy!

Simon Green

Jigglier than I imagined. Err... to the extent I was imaging her. At all. LOOK I'M MORE OF AN AI WANNABE JET PLANE WHO BECAME A ROBOT WITH BOOBS KIND OF GUY DON'T JUDGE ME OK

Sean Kinlin

We had a need, and fortunately Jeph has rectified the situation.

Sean Kinlin

Bubbles wants the truth, the hole truth, and nothing butt the truth.


Needs a WIDE LOAD sticker

Livy N

I humbly volunteer to help investigate......for science

Todd Ellner

Tapdancing turgid tentacles!

Zak Reichle

Rectumfied by Jacques: is the first of the Questionable Content perfumes.


I joined Patron JUST so I could see this. Totally worth it!

Yelling Bird

See? THIS is the content I come here for.

Kyle Major

Oooh man this can be taken 2 ways. I meant robot design aesthetic creator lol


I like ro-butts and I can not lie!

Panic Blitz

This is truly a marvelous time to be alive.


It's an emergency pressure relief valve :D

Zak Reichle

🎶 This lady got the thickness Can I get a witness? This lovely lady got the thickness Can I get a "Hell yeah"? 🎶

Opus the Poet

Shouldn't Faye have an uncontrollable nosebleed? For the trope?

Orion Rhine

My profile pic says everything I need to say here.

Shane Wegner

ORO: “Why humanat standards? Hmm. So it’s a special warfare operator chassis. A lot of spec ops still happen in parts of the world where Islam is the primary religion. And Islamic (and many other) traditions are very, very reluctant to search, and I am indeed strongly implying “body cavity search” women, and that just instinctively extends to AIs operating on female-shaped chassis. AIs who don’t identify as women could still benefit from operating a female chassis for a mission, if they can tolerate the dysmorphia and don’t lose too much proficiency from muscle memory variations. There are commando survival pages about how to make various capsules of equipment one could place in one’s orifices in case one is captured. Mitigated by the fact that this chassis has never yet been captured in combat, but it hypothetically could be I suppose. And it really didn’t add any meaningful expense. So it hurt nothing and had a few reasons they might as well. We didn’t have a long conversation on it or anything.”

Steve H

Hers is not to ass why.


Same, Faye

Timothy Roller

My God, he actually drew it. He drew a robot butthole.

Jeffrey Lord

Jeph I'm sorry that this is the only comment I've made on any of your patreon posts but; I would eat ANYTHING that was excreted from that orifice

David Paul

To paraphrase Bubbles: "If it makes you feel any better, your Patreon dollars paid for it." On topic: I think I'll join the others going "DAAAAAAAANG!" 😍🤯🥵

Wayne Farmer

I think we're just seeing her fingers holding up one cheek so that she can view it in a mirror (although we cannot). Nicely done.

Wayne Farmer

Why does she have a butthole? My first thought was that it would be an excellent place to hide the factory reset button that we use a paperclip to access on lesser electronics, but then I realized that if it were an anatomically correct butthole, there would be a danger of accidentally triggering it during penetrative anal sex. Maybe it's just a pressure relief valve. :D

Stephen Wells

Oh lord, the just-visible tiny hint of crinkled sphincter. I'm surprised Faye hasn't just spontaneously combusted.


Sometimes, all it takes is the word "butt"


Now THAT is a whole lot of woman. ***happydance***

Em Dah

Never let it be said Jeph doesnt love us, care about us, and want us to prosper

Summer Sudbrink

How else would the RPG launcher cover her rear arc?

Edmund Schweppe

Definitely a Not Safe For Welding outfit!

Robert Romberger

Remember Bubbles is ex-Military. That may be a flame thrower.


Jeph I hate you so much for that


I know its supposed to be NSFW but, the affore mentioned orafice is not visually presented anywhere

Dave Stebbins

I love that just the slightest hint of NSFW gets about 50% more likes than the daily strips.

William Cole

Be sure to also go 1 forward to #387 for Pintsize's classic "80 tons of SEX" line.

Anthony Scott

I want to like this so much but its at 669 likes and I won't be the one to break that

Donna Flint

My partner (who doesn't read QC) suggested it gives new meaning to the Pew pew of a battle bot.

Seth Swanson


Comics Ladybird

Tired: techno-organic virus https://comicsalliance.com/cable-comics-marvel-history/ . Wired: techno-organic butts disease.


holy shit. I am deep in lust.

Dave Miner

USB-A(nal) port for firmware upgrades.

David Paul

Not compatible with 3 1/2" or 5 1/4" floppies. Their data capacity is simply woeful these days 😂

Todd Ellner

Is there a dongle which fits the port?

Joseph Loder

Bubs is stacked all the way around.

malcolm wright

Anyone else keep coming back to this post?

David B H Kahn

The pinup tag has me thinking May would sell pinup calendar of herself

Colleen Dewis

I guess this is now a thing I have seen....


I'm pretty late to this particular party, but still: An argument could be made that an orgasm is a sort of organic reboot - clears out the RAM cache, forces background operations to release reserve memory and close, performs a quick power cycle, then launches a new session with the standard suite of initial operating functions.


More to BUTTress the axiom aBUTT ASSumptions. It's always best to ANALyze one's FUNDAMENTal ideas for (all about that) BASSic falASSies.


I will note that "bubble" is a popular adjective for butts possessing a pleasantly round-but-firm quality.


Sure, but clever engineers are always hiding "backdoor entrances" to allow for modes of access outside the documented methods.


Glorious. \o/


Is this image showing as really blurred for everyone, or is it just me?

Gary Wood

Bubbles has the prettiest face of all the ladies.