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now: science?




Clare clearly needs to stay, they don't just need a firm hand, they also need a central person who understands humans.


Also, coffee.

Stephen Wells

I finished my PhD twenty years ago and this strip is giving me terrifying flashbacks. I'll be over here screaming silently into a pillow.

Luis Rebelo

start your new job in customer support!!! but don't worry! it's only a stepping stone! and with your background you will get there faster than everyone one else!!! (paraphrasing my own life..)


seventh panel: something abruptly bursts into flame why yes, I do work in IT


She hates being called, "Lizzy." (I don't blame her.) We don't know how she fells about just, "Liz" at this point. Elizabeth is too many syllables and too many keystrokes. Same goes for Doctor Appleboom or just Appleboom. For now I shall refer to her as DA or DocA unless and until she states another preference.

Clifton Royston

Elizabeth doesn't realize it, but I think she needs Claire so so badly, both as a source of structure and as a role model. What we saw in Claire a few strips back is that even when Claire is terrified, she's prepared to tackle this sort of completely unstructured situation and has the mental toolkit to do it. Elizabeth + Claire's skillset and outlook = unstoppable.

Josh Moberly

As someone who very recently started his first office job...yes...many solitaire games have been played.

Mad Marie

Elizabeth needs a Mrs. Landingham to shout “What’s next?” at.

Ace of Hearts

this is what Wikipedia is for. I learned so much about giraffes during my University co-op work

Chris Heg

No one is as competent as you imagine them to be. Just do what you can do.

Conrad Rogers

I think wikipedia hours should be logged as part of your CV

Daniel Drazen

I know they're easy to draw, but a bookshelf without books is wasted space.

Clifton Royston

When 'Wired' magazine sold for a whole ton of money at the height of the dot-Com boom, Kevin Kelly used part of his share to hire a reference librarian full-time as his personal assistant. I've been so envious ever since I read that.