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they'll be RICH




wait . . . robot skin is like upholstery???

Mad Marie

Ozy had a bidet installed, but forgot that they were made of stone, and would eventually erode…

Stephen Wells

They were on their way to the shop ANYWAY they can totally prototype this. (Smashcut to: Bubbles launched into orbit by an improperly calibrated test run. Rescued by Floating Black Slab.)


its difficult to imagine a mobile ai robot bidet that wouldn't have a somewhat off-putting shape-I kept thinking of the Director jellyfish


Did you say "upholstery"? https://youtu.be/2PjPuVaTkn8

Ursus Ridens

A startlingly wonderful plot idea. But please don't design any sanitary device that I'm going to use.

Ursus Ridens

If you have real winters, I imagine that using the simple $25 device in the middle of a chilly night would be a memorable experience. But I hope that your wrist gets better in any case.

Ian MacLean

WTF, bidets aren't for poop. Unless you're talking about a water attachment for a toilet seat?


thank you for that, I was not aware of sarlaccs before [shuddr]


I have lived in Japan for the past two years and am moving back Stateside later this year. Needless to say I'm bringing two of the Japanese 'smart' bidet attachments back with me. After being spoiled for two years I can no longer return to wiping with dry wads of paper. Once you spray, there's no other way.


i once made the mistake of confusing the words bidet and duvet, nobody wants to clean their ass with bedding or use a toilet as a sheet

Mikey Bear

Bidets changed my life. Revolutionary for American bottoms, honestly.


So, "upholstery" suggests a certain... texture, shall we say?


Bidets can be an accessibility aid as well. I periodically have my wrist flair up with pain preventing conventional personal cleaning down there. A simple $25 bidet (installed under the toilet seat) with just plain cold water was more than enough to change things.


We got one of those bidet addons, then promptly installed one in the other bathroom and now using public restrooms feels even more barbaric and horrible than it already did

Russell Guldin

Once you bidet, you can't stay away.


Every single time I see it, that "I'm Ozymandias LOL" poster just cracks me the hell up. Every. Single. Time. :D


Dora and co. redecorated Coffee of Doom once. I hope they keep it if they redec again.


Ah. Was wondering why they had one installed. Obvious once you think of it.