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So as someone who lives in Japan, I can tell you, there are two spray buttons and depending on the brand and model they may not always be obvious which is which. One is for your butt and the other is for women to rinse up front. I'm assuming she pressed the wrong button and got water sprayed in an unexpected place lol.

Jared Cyr

As an autistic adult from Boston raised with my Aunt who had a half-scottish, half-Atlantic accent, I had a weird accent growing up. I was forced into speech therapy to lose my accent and part of it was this 'robot talk'. I'm 41 now and trying to regain my accent and the words I liked to say as a kid.

Mad Marie

Jeph: this bidet topic is gold. Thank you for handing it to us on a porcelain platter, this evening.


I am right here tearing up with Hannalore on this!

Carl Fink

Wow. Thanks, I didn't realize quite how deep a callback Jeph was capable of.


Faye is so funny, fuck


Caught up. Been absent. Missed all y'all.

Daniel Rydberg

Oh, Bubbles. You sweet goofball.


Someone please explain the callback because I can’t figure out what’s the reference?

Stephen Wells

Ironic that yesterday's strip was "Saddle up": "bidet" originally means "pony" because of the way you, er, ride it :)


We're currently on strip 4,964 (in the Patreon). 4,947 strips ago is strip 17, where Marten and Faye are having dinner at the ironic "vegan" café. Faye nonchalantly says to Marten, "You know what I really hate? When you're pooping and it burns and you know you'll have to wipe like 40 times to get it clean." One solution to that problem would be a bidet (which washes your butt), so with the introduction of a bidet to Coffee of Doom, Faye has finally solved her dilemma.


The Deep Callback made me read on a few strips (trying to stop myself from going on another all-day QC binge) and I feel like we need more of Punny Steve. https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=21 He and Claire (and Brun?) should have a pun-off.


(One strip later, Faye comes to "stay" with Marten after she burns her apartment down making toast. And now look where we are today... *wipes away tear*)


Wow I completely forgot that that's how she ended up moving in. Strange that there's more than one plot line in QC involving an apartment building burning down.

Comics Ladybird

I think Bubbles should try and lean a bit into the “excessively formal even by her standards” (here, the use of “mirth”) that she falls into when she’s upset: it would pretty quickly wrap over to “casual-ironic” which would be right at home in Northampton.

Ruth Merriam

So. . . a friend and I just got back from a trip to Thailand. You do *not* want to know about personal hygiene methods there. At any rate, our return flights took us through one of the Tokyo airports. There are Magical Freakin' Bidets in the airport stalls. They have dashboards for spray control and MUSIC to cover the sound of your -ahem- business. Anyway, apparently the sprayer on the bidet in the stall that my friend used was malfunctioning. I heard a distinct yip from across the way. When she emerged, she looked at me with horror in her eyes and said, "I feel violated." I just about died laughing.

Ruth Merriam

Those were also available but at my age, and with a very temperamental ankle, I chose to pass on the privilege. I'll never look at a standard kitchen spray nozzle the same again. Just sayin'.