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so many Morays




It appears that each Moray is its own person, beginning with whatever memories the Director chooses to imbue them with (suited to whatever task they are dispensed for - apparently the Director didn't think Moray X-21 needed too much, because she seems to be quite the airhead), and then any additional memories they accumulate are their own until such time as they are reabsorbed into the Director (see #4955 where Moray-44 implies she needs to be reabsorbed so the Director can process all of what she had discussed with Claire - although, it's curious why that would be necessary in this case, since they were standing right next to the Director the whole time, and even if they weren't, she could simply transmit a copy of the memories, like backing up a hard drive).

Carol Metzger

When your form is a blob and you are not a snob, that a Moray.

Carol Metzger

If you only exist to assume mortal risk, that's a Moray.

Carol Metzger

If you cheerfully chat, then return to the vat, that's a Moray.

Carol Metzger

Honestly, there must be hundreds of them, not unlike the Morays themselves.


420 69? Nice :)

Vanillastump .

It kept saying "nice" whenever she was called by name. The orca warned her to stop. She didn't. It really was her own fault.


“My big sister analogue was traumatized to such an extent that she no longer considers IRL safe and stays with mother all the time.” “Wait your names aren’t ordered?”


I'm glad you pointed that out. I really was wondering why he had chosen that number. Now it makes sense.


the exception is Moray-9. when the Director tried to create her, she attempted to crystalize his entire body. close call, that.

Mad Marie

Why is Moray-6 afraid of Moray-7?


When the Director's voice Gets a number by choice, That's a-Moray!


I love Claire, as a trans person, understanding the deep importance and significance of picking your own name, but still letting the librarian in her prefer that things be ordered

Opus the Poet

I just had the thought, do the Morays share memory with each other, or just the Director?

Matt Pedone

It seems like just the Director, as this Moray (X-21) didn't even know about the brief, wonderful life of Moray-44.


Or remember to order printer paper. I expect they share memories up to the time they are extruded and that communication is a separate function.


How is Moray-0118 999 881 999 119 725...3 doing?