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printers are the fax machines of the 21st century



Gorbulus Maximus

Maximum Claire-face when imagining how she's going to attempt to impose "order" upon the raw chaos of the cubish.

Shane Wegner

By golly if trees didn’t give their lives to contain 1k of plaintext per page (1 meg of info if it’s a big picture) then I’m not interested.

Daniel Rydberg

The moment they manage to procure paper they will also discover that they are out of toner.


Under Claire, the printer will NEVER be out of paper


Claire's Printer Maintenance And Resource Allocation Program (PriMARAP) will be studied by logisticians all over the world for it's efficiency and zero failure rate. Also the printer will fall through a hole in the floor and sink into the sea.


Ah yes, printers - the bastard children of fax machines and calculators...


But it was fully loaded with paper as it sank

Michael Bruner

Can't remember to refill the printer? Guess he just talked himself out of one job in Claire's new regime.


AI Printers - "I make printing *fun*"

Dallas Hicks


Mad Marie

better than NPC load letter…more difficult to get them to do it.


Like I wrote a few strips back, it should be "AI LOAD LETTER" in Cubetown... :P

Mad Marie

The moment they manage to procure toner, they will also discover that they are out of coffee.

Thomas A. Dennis

"printers are the fax machines of the 21st century"--now just hold on a dang minute here, Hoss. Even as someone who was into the idea of tablets _before_ Star Trek TNG, print still has its advantages. I'll cut off my rant here, but I could go on at length on this subject, oh yes.


Hard copies do tend to work better than computers during prolonged power outages.


To be fair, the easiest reminder you need to refill printer paper is running out of printer paper.

Mad Marie

@OldGoat: provided that one has printed prior to the power outage…


As someone who used to work in IT... All printers are designed in hell, and can fuck right off. Long-term they are awful devices that need some serious rework and would probably benefit from better technical standardization across manufacturers.

Daniel Drazen

Moray's signature is "TMI" for short.

Nicolas Demers

The moment they manage to procure coffee, they will also discover that they are out of paper again

Mad Marie

Standardization? It sounds like they are indeed consistent in one highly significant way.


The printer coroner's report: One sheet fewer and the floor would have held.


The review site Wirecutter did an article on which printer you should buy for home use, and after much research their conclusion was: none at all, if you can possibly avoid it. Most of their reviews are all about which product is the best, but the printer review was mostly about which one was slightly less unpleasant than the others.


Makes me feel better that I never really got mine set up. Wireless printer, but couldn't get it to connect. It was on sale for like 20 bucks anyways.

Clifton Royston

@Mad Marie: First you need to bring the NPC 12 bearskins, and then take a letter to their aunt... this is why the printer is always out of paper.