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Marten really is dead




There's a '1 o'clock gun' (a cannon) fired in Edinburgh every day... helps you tell the difference between tourists ("WTH WAS THAT") and locals (*checks watch*)

Stephen Wells

As someone who gets horribly seasick I can tell that Marten isn't dead. He just WISHES he were dead.


I merely lifted an eyebrow when it happened during my visit, does that mean I fit in?


only if it was a lifted eyebrow to confirm your watch was running out of sync ;-)

Lyman Green

Poor marten.. I don’t get motion sick but I’m surrounded in my family by people who do on boats and ships and even cars and trains


Quite the build up…

Gary Walker

I’m guessing literally nobody on Cubetown has PTSD triggered by loud noises then

Mad Marie


Gemma Hentsch

What if the explosion is silent but the words boom appear magically in the air and thats what they're trying to figure out (probably... they started out working on perfecting vegan poached egg 6 months ago)

Some Ed

From what I've heard, if a trauma-inducing event happens frequently, it's not PTSD. It's just TSD. This does not make anything better, but you at least get to save a letter. That can be important when you need to type something as much as that sort of situation would require.

Summer Sudbrink

Even the seagulls have the good sense to head away from Cubetown.


Claire's hair blowing in the wind is super cute!


I just now am coming back to life, having survived barfing all day while on vacation. I am confident that Marten will survive along with me! WE CAN DO THIS. 💪


Am I the only one who was expected the cube part of cube town to be bigger? Like a tesseract big?


It *is* fairly distant at the moment, it could be much bigger from up close?

Solomon Garland

Probably not unless they're at a point where they can manage semi-expected explosions tbh. It doesn't strike me as an ideal working environment. Unless you like chaos and loud noises. Or they just have really good noise cancelling headphones/offices?


Not sure how big the tesseract is, or which one you mean, but apparently a typical ship crane is like 40 meters tall, and that's a bit beyond 3 of those cranes tall, so I think we can say like 150 meters tall, so something like 40 stories. It's also a cube so we can probably do some estimates on the upper limit of people there, idk

Jon Guyer

It went off at 1:13 the day we were in Edinburgh. There were a lot of lifted eyebrows.


Welcome back to the land of the living. Hopefully your vacation wasn't totally ruined!

Ruth Merriam

So much love for the Claire vibe, her blowing hair, just everything. I can't wait to see Cubetown!