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Shane Wegner

I spent a week on a yacht liveaboard in the Maldives scuba diving all the amazing reefs. Hard life, I know. Point being, luckily I didn’t get seasick… on the boat that is. Back on solid land though, for the next _48 hours_ my mind was “landsick”, anticipating the sea swells where there weren’t any and giving me the feeling solid rock was gently swaying beneath my feet. I thankfully didn’t barf, but it felt STRANGE.

Wayne Farmer

What does it say about Cubetown that they subject prospective employees to a conventional boat trip? It just seems low-tech, when a submarine or a hydrofoil would be a lot more comfortable. But maybe it's just a reflection of Cubetown's dysfunctionality that they don't have empathy for the frailties of humans.


Oh boy 🚩🚩🚩


And we never saw Marten ever again.

Joseph Bonnar

Mmm, no. I think they did this so that ol Boaty would have a job after being kicked off Station for being space sick. (Hanners named him, btw.)


So is this the real definition of "boatmurdered"?

Daniel Drazen

Who else thinks Boaty sounds like Quint from "Jaws"?

Carl Fink

I have read about sailors "having to get their land legs" before, so at least it isn't unique.

Jon Guyer

It didn't make me feel sick, but after every submarine patrol, the land would rock and roll for several days. It was pretty common, I think.

Some Ed

I've known enough people who have had naval assignments on submarines to doubt that the submarine would have been more comfortable. Of course, they wouldn't need to be on the sub for that long, but there's the whole coming aboard and leaving hassle that is basically unavoidable. There's also the issue that while Marten and Claire are short, I think they're not short enough - they appear to be the exact height where they'd think they were short enough but find out painfully they weren't every time they foolishly decided to test it. ("Giants" like me, on the other hand, would at least understand going into it that we wouldn't be stretching out again and going properly vertical until we left.) As far as a hydrofoil goes, it's my headcanon that Ol' Boaty actually *is* one, they're just deliberately not going that fast because it doesn't feel Ol' enough to them.

Some Ed

That depends. Does Quint sound like KITT from Knight Rider?

Some Ed

When I was young, I had some motion continuation feelings even from car rides or go cart rides, but also boat rides, roller coasters, and merry-go-rounds. This didn't make me feel sick, though my brothers and I would take turns to see if we could make each other too dizzy to walk straight on our mom's barber chair, so we were a bit odd. (Throwing up from that was never something any of us did.) To be fair, at the time, we lived in the boonies of Pennsylvania, so most of our car rides had at least part of the ride feel a bit like a roller coaster.

Yelling Bird

"And later that day when his lunch he did spray, Came the wreck of the Marten Fitzgerald..."

Ursus Ridens

Hey, why should Ol' Boaty give a damn about "real men", being what they are.

Ursus Ridens

...or what he/she/it is. I just can't get used to using "they are" to refer to one person.

Mad Marie

Take some melodramamine, barfy boy.

Bill Silvia

Until English speakers get a lot more accepting of adapting language, "they" is the best pronoun for those of us who are neither he, she, or it.

Bill Silvia

Imagine having your name tattooed across your butt.

Andrew L Butula

Maybe it's a nickname? I can't imagine he'd still be Ol' Boaty when he moves on to a different body type.

Ursus Ridens

Actually, I mis-phrased that; I have no problem with "they" -- it's just that I have to use "they are" for a single person. The problem is really that in English I have no good way to refer to someone as they without also referring to them as plural. (It seems to me that other languages are better at it; "vous êtes" is just polite in French,

Stephen Wells

Bear in mind that "you" is originally a plural pronoun in English too - the singular is thou/thee - and we all seem fine with that. Indeed, singular "they" is older than the routine use of singular "you", and it's so conventional it's often unnoticed (Classic example "there's someone at the door"/"what do they want?").

Wayne Farmer

Or it's because Jeph thought it would be funny to get Marten seasick. (Which it was.)

Jim Feldman

Not the worst I've seen tatoo'ed across a butt. Could be "Freebird" or "Max load 2"

Ruth Merriam

Marten's shading is telling the tale.