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I'm having fun imagining Moray being carbonated




I wonder if this is a hidden joke here, but Moray "like an eel" could be said as like an E. E. L., like an acronym for her type of AI or chasse. Did anyone else get this from the name or am I reading too deeply into it?

Wayne Farmer

Back in the 60s, the band "Traffic" had a nice song called "Medicated Goo". I suppose I could turn its lyrics into something descriptive of Moray, and call it "Carbonated Goo". :D

Wayne Farmer

♫ When an AI wants you, but she's bubbly with goo, that's a Moray. When it's dicey as hell, but your boyfriend says "chill", that's a Moray. An alarm's in your head, signaling-a-ling you'll be dead, if you stay. And there's fear in your heart, but you'll give it a start, anyway. It's a town that's called "Cube", where the AIs drip lube, what the hey. You'll be such a success, though the place is a mess every day. So it's Y.O.L.O., you've decided to go, sail away! Set your speed dial to Station, and take a vacation, with Moray! ♫

Yelling Bird

Her name is 'Moray' (a notoriously bitey eel) and she's made of goo. The question must be asked: "What that mouth do?"


It's that green slime stuff from "You Can't Do That on Television".


Also... 🎶When a bot's made of goo, And she's bubbly too, That's-a Moray.🎶

Evgeniy Semyonov

Marten would probably also find work there, if everyone already think that he's cute. Why only movie sets should have Best Boys?

Greg Morrow

I keep coming back to the Director hand-picking Claire out of what must be a lot of qualified librarian resumes. That suggests a personal connection. If it's not Station, it has to be Yay; no one else in the high-powered AI world has any connections to the coffee shop crew. But that would mean Yay is still hiding (Station was extremely interested in Yay's existence). Hypothesis: Yay is the Director's Grand Vizier, complete with pointed Van Dyke beard.


I know there's no reason for Moray's biology to produce farts, but I am picturing her suddenly having a line of bubbles moving up inside the goo!

Some Ed

You say it was a long list, but it was really just Tai, Emily, Gabby, Marten, and Claire. That's like every librarian in the universe. But since we only have certain canonical knowledge of one of those actually getting her degree, Claire naturally rose to the top of that list. Emily wasn't even the right major, Gabby seemingly dropped out, Marten doesn't have a library-related degree. If I'm not mistaken, Tai has a BA, not a library science degree. She appears to be working on her library science degree.

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

I *think* we can assume that the list of qualified (and semi-qualified) candidates includes a lot more than just the residents of Northampton, MA, Smif College, or the general cast of QC in particular.

Jim Feldman

While Yay can be a chaos troll, I don't think they're the type to just turn beings (both AI and human) loose in some grand experiment of monkeys and typewriters


You’re right about the Director hand-picking Claire. But, it’s not Yay. Yay is powerful, but we’ve never seen Yay have a remote sense of being apart of an organization, sinister or otherwise. It’s the humming slab.

David Howe

15% of the cube's population is instances of yay, all in different costumes and pretending not to know each other....


there are so many younger folks commenting here that it's always a bit of a shock to find someone else who remembers Traffic & especially Medicated Goo - I don't recall a lot of airplay for that one. now Jeph just needs to work in the B-side - Shanghai Noodle Factory.

Fart Captor

Have I mentioned how much I wanna make out with Aurelia lately? Cuz WOW I do 🥺

Greg Morrow

Jeph: Daggone ol' writers always screwing up perfectly good fan theories!

Stephen Wells

Floating Black Slab Emitting A Low Hum And Carrying A Latte now prime suspect :)

Todd Ellner

She only goes for boys about half her age. I'm way too old. 😢


Who could blame you? She's a 40-something redhead that still looks 18.