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uh oh



Tim Keating

I feel like "no, Moray!" is inevitably going to be a thing.


Claire's eye are still blue. If they turn green, take cover Moray.


oh, thats her camera. not the janitor or something

Shawn Spencer

So....she's worried about competition for Martin from what is basically an upright gelatinous cube?


Hmmm...I guess it is a video call, for some reason the blocking was suggesting to me that it wasn't.

Daryl Sawyer

She makes me think of a fusion of Beeps and... that new girl who randomly makes friends.


She definitely had a lemon type Chassis at some point. What variations of that name are left? Nomel? M'lone?


It seems like QC's AIs in general are very young emotionally. Life and consciousness is a very fresh experience for them.

William Burns

What kind of GUI does Moray run? Oceanus 4.11?


Claire definitely has her act together better than when I was her age, when I accepted a job that required moving across the country sight-unseen for rather low pay AND I had to pay my own moving expenses. (I lasted three months.)


Yep, that's why Moray needed the little hovering camera in front of her, rather than just connecting digitally through her gooey AI brain.


I think maturity and age are separate with AIs. They either seem to be sort of mature but a bit grouchy about it or super uninterested in maturity and very cheerful and naive. The latter are on to something!

Clifton Royston

Bring a mop and a bucket for this Wet AI Pussy