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"Eventually" is still in play



Ace of Hearts

I want to help everyone involved here.

Yelling Bird

Nah... It's... It's too easy...

Ye Olde Phart

Plot twist: Pintsize will get Claire fired on day one. Claire, Marten and Pintsize will be blacklisted and marked as no-contact. The End.


and now for salary negotiation.

Daniel S

It's all great to be put in charge of a department and get paid to build it until they start checking on your progress. Claire's smart enough to pull it off but I have to wonder who's bankrolling this place if they can throw money away like that.

Liam R.W. Doyle

Is it just me, or has every instance of an AI-run organization hiring someone new, been cripplingly naive and seemingly in over their heads but extraordinarily nice? 🤔

Clifton Royston

I bet Claire is going to forget to ask. Edit: Until Martin asks her what the salary is.

Moray Macdonald

My pronouns are he/him but thanks all the same, I do like to think so.


as many others I have been waving red flags all over the place, and I am fully convinced, were this job based "in the real world" (you know, as much as it could be with AIs and stuff around ;) ) it would be the kind of job that *needs* 80+ hours per week for at least a year. That can be a great challenge for some people, especially assuming it comes with adequate pay, but it's not something that can be done while maintaining any kind of healthy work/life balance. Not to mention that anxiety-prone folks would probably develop physical issues to go along with the anxiety from pure stress. Curious to see where Jeph takes this and how much (rather unfun) real world will be here

Todd Ellner

The kind of challenge it is better to encounter in your twenties than your forties

Bill Silvia

From a strictly temporal standpoint, all AIs running organizations are children.

Bill Silvia

It partially depends on the budget. This job is a whole lot easier if she can immediately hire as needs arise compared to if she's trying to juggle plates. If this were IRL, I would make a comment about being paid enough to afford a housekeeper, but I don't think housekeeping has *ever* been a concern for a QC character, which makes me a tad jealous.

Randall Norman Pick

In real life honestly couldn't recommend taking the job based on the interview even if it was a perfect fit. (Also, let's face it, this kind of research institute would eventually have its backers send in some business types to trim costs and transform the place heavily as unfocused as it appears to be)


Other than the lack of technical skill and willingness to fracking swear, Moray-X21 reminds me soooo much of myself... why.... WHY?!?


Feels like running a data center for a bunch of AIs could be a "remote-work" job pretty easily.


that's a moray


When you're data's a mess 'cause you don't have IS that's a Moray...


Is cubetown just a standin for TopatoCo? Will the Director just be an AI Weedmaster P