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I didn't realise she was doing the Drake meme pose in panel 1 until I was done drawing it




If she can make hiring decisions for her team, I can imagine Clinton badgering her for a role...

David Paul

Currently riding a similar situation. Went from being "warehouse guy" to learning stocktaking, inventory management and investigation, returns processing and all sorts of crap, to the point where *managers* ask me about how to do this and that. All because I was vaguely interested in how processes worked (and was a previous student of IT (I was good, but couldn't get a foot in the door), which people seem to mistake for being smart). I will say this, Claire: winging it can go any number of ways. One can soar beyond their horizons, or slam into the ground, or fly so high they get caught in a flight path. I hope she goes far and enjoys the view, though.

David Durant

I love Claire but this is a mistake. For a start its going to be a nightmare trying to recruit people to work for someone who has no experience (can you ever see Claire doing what Moray just did?). I can see her ending up hiring Martin and maybe some of her other friends and that'll be a disaster all round.


Speaking of meme formats, can we get a version of that first panel without the speech bubble... for the memes!


A few comics back I was thinking "this sounds like one of those jobs that does present a lot of opportunity for personal growth / valuable experience early on but you eventually get tired of general company management not having their sh*t together" lol Somehow I don't get the feeling Claire will have a lot of patience for things like.... Not having an HR department and basically just vibing company policies and benefits as things come up.


This does sound like the beginning of a spin-off: “Claire Catalogues It All.” Now we just need Marten to zoom up to the 69th floor window in his jet backpack and awkwardly climb through the open air window.

Daniel Drazen

They've never had an IS Dept. or manager to judge you against. Use that!



Clifton Royston

Totally off the topic - are other people getting hit with the captcha prompts from Cloudflare almost every time they connect to Patreon?


Is this Jeph writing Marten and Claire out of the comic?

Clifton Royston

I really don't see Claire going out and hiring friends/family. She's not that kind of person, and would see that as unethical.


I agree. Remember when she guilted Marten for getting his library job through nepotism (even though she misunderstood the order of events)? She'd never hire him without at least putting him through some serious training.


Not to predict how the plot will actually go down, but there's a zero percent chance an organization like this doesn't support remote computing and tele-work. If anything, it's yet another means of an established character to have income totally covered by some Deus ex machina.


They're being replaced by their cousins Coy and Vance.

Aaron Schulz

I think so, he had posted before this arc started that he wasnt quitting the comic and he just wanted to change some stuff. I assume people would think he was quitting when getting rid of the original main character. Not that Marten is the main character anymore though.

Darren Stalder

That's a very brave step. You go Claire. Much better to try and see how you do rather than say "No" and always wonder how it could've been.

Wild Card

This is going to be a glorious disaster to watch. I'll start making popcorn.