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drawing some characters with lips again I guess. Feels right for Dora anyway.



Comics Ladybird

Also, Clinton, besides the obvious matter of support of your own sister even in hypotheticals, and besides the matter of trying to avoid defeatism when your own sister is involved, I consider it basic consideration towards the interviewer to have at least *somewhat* worked out the possibility of you coming to work for them *before* agreeing to take up each other’s time in a hiring interview…


I love their synchronized ire in the last panel

David Durant

Y'know, given what happened with Faye and Angus I wonder if she'll be more stressed about this decision than Martin is

Summer Sudbrink

Yay will work with Moray to have a satellite cube established here in town so they don't have to go anywhere.


I can see that visible lips work for Dora, but it does look a bit like she's wandered in from a different era of the comic.

Michael Keogh

Had to hide Dora from coworkers. Too sexy with lips!

David Durant

I also wonder if Martin will be thinking that the last time he followed a girl when she moved to a new town the relationship ended almost immediately (just before the comic started)?


To be fair, I don't think he and the ex agreed on that move together.

Clarence the Liar

For some reason I'm having trouble responding to enchantedsleeper's comment, but I'm pretty sure Dora's just being realistic about how her employees view the jobs she has on offer: dirty, degrading, draining, and above all disposable. It'd cause Dora a bit of irritation to have to fill a position on short notice, but in her case she'd likely pick the first customer with a personality like a brick wall she can find and stick them behind the counter without a word. The rest will work itself out.

Dean Reilly

We all know Claire is going to correct that "you're" before she even thinks of talking to Marten.

Mad Marie

perhaps you’re intent was to comment on the following day’s comic?


Aw nooo sad Claire face 🥺