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it's a working title



Ashley Thomas

it sounds like a live in position that would be for one person. i worry she would not be allowed to bring a partner.


I love, love love the underlaying fundament of vimsical in everything the ais do in this universe


Clinton is making me snort my milk out of my nose. Shouldn’t be eating cereal when I read QC.

David Durant

At this point I don't know whether to be more concerned that Claire, a recent graduate with no post-graduation experience, is being headhunted by the AI Supremacy or whether the time-jump means we might have missed Sam and Elliot's first kiss...


Can I just say LOL at Claire freaking out about moving to Nova Scotia from Northampton? Halifax is *not* a long trip - heck, even Newfoundland isn't that far, and Nova Scotia way closer. This is only slightly more ridiculous than worrying about a job in Maine!

Matt Pedone

I have a theory that what people consider a "long" drive depends on where they live/grew up. I know people in Minnesota who think nothing of 4-hour drives, while people in Rhode Island think anything over 15 minutes is "long". Seeing so many people here claiming 11 hours is "nothing", I have to ask, where are you all from??

Nicolas Demers

Canada :) Specifically Ottawa, and road trips of 2-3 hours to visit family around Montreal were totes normal growing up.

Matt Pedone

See, 2-3 hours makes sense. In my experience, for southern NH/eastern Mass, 2-3 hours is the boundary for a day trip. Western Mass (Northampton) might be a bit longer, but they'd still balk at 11 hours being called "nothing".

Daryl Sawyer

Or worrying about Dora moving to....whatever that town across the bridge is called.

Andrea Andrew

Does anyone else notice that Claire seems a lot more womanly after the timeskip? I think her transition is going amazingly. Suck it, transphobes.

Ian MacLean

Is anyone else concerned that it's Tuesday and this hasn't been posted yet?

Rob McBobson

It's because the newest one isn't up on Patreon yet, I think. Master Jacques is loyal to his paying patrons, and makes sure that we always are one strip ahead.


It’s appropriate for Steve eating cereal comics tho :)

Ursus Ridens

Newfoundland is faaaaar. Geographically, yes, but psychologically...

Ursus Ridens

I have long suspected that QC would move from an alternate Northampton to an alternate Nova Scotia...or maybe an alternate somewhere-off-the-coast-of-NS. (But golly, isn't the North Atlantic a pretty rough neighborhood?)

Ursus Ridens

Oh, by the way, I get a really weird mental picture of Cubetown by, as it were, extrapolating from Spaceball City.

Katherine Prewitt

I am RIDICULOUSLY excited about Cubetown

Am Queue

Sam and Emmett, do you mean? (No matter how I spell it it looks wrong, and my phone won't keep context enough for me to look it up...)

Ruth Merriam

This isn't a SPAM, then? Because I would have totally deleted it as SPAM.


I've just come back and discovered the MANNYY hats that our Moray wears. No surprise Claire ends up as she does...!