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Pavement boombox girl hello

William Cole

Callback to when QC was an "indie scene" comic...

Mina (WildishWolf)

I am saving the last panel to use as a reply for every single time I see the discussion about dick pics


Willow should send a dick pic back

Clifton Royston

There was a great Twitter thread a while back from a woman who said she did this to any guy who sent dick pics. She'd just send one back and start sending them more, at random intervals; if they complained, she'd text them, "But don't you *enjoy* these! Isn't that why you send them?"

Stephen Wells

We don't know HOW Willow knows Beeps but we shouldn't be surprised THAT Willow knows Beeps :)


Lol didn’t I’d see a Pavement reference today. Haven’t listened to them in quite some time

Am Queue

I will be very sad if Willow catches Claire's anxiety about this. Ruining someone's joy in life is not good.


Have Willow and Brun interacted much? Cause they need to hang out.


Oblivious ignorance is not a good way to be either. Some self awareness is useful.

Darnel D Cooper

ugh. Oh for the days when I recieved "Boobage" pics. You got a feel for the woman by how she presented herself,... And the attached meme,....

Lucas Werkmeister

In Willow's defense... has this happened in any of the other cast's interactions with Willow? It certainly didn't seem like Marten got the impression she was hitting on him (except for literally hitting him with the drone lol), and I don't recall anything like that for Clinton either.

Wild Card

A Dick pic? Was it York, Sargent, or Grayson?

Ursus Ridens

Quite aside from the semantic content here, I do believe that Willow's nose has evolved somewhat since the pork/not pork burrito incident.