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Elliot has come around to this boyfriend idea extremely quickly and comfortably. Good to see.


I often think about how much Clinton has progressed since his first appearance

Yelling Bird

This relationship is moving entirely too fast. I approve.


I highly approve of and appreciate the level of cute in the last panel. 🥰


Internalizing this as Blank Check fan fiction.

Some Ed

Will Elliot manage to give Clinton enough perspective to reduce Clinton's anxiety to normal person levels? Or will this go horribly wrong somehow?

Some Ed

I feel like relationships in comic time pretty much have to move entirely too fast, or they seem like they're moving entirely too slow. In one of my many never to be released works, the main characters have a relationship that builds over four years in story time. That seems reasonable enough, but if you put that story in comic time, it'd span decades and practically nobody would be able to see the relationship building over time. Whenever apparent progress happened, people would be commenting "where did this come from all of a sudden", despite the fact that it was the central point to the whole story and everything else was just the life around that.

Orion Rhine

If these siblings don't grow some chill soon then their respective boyfriends are going to have to team up and concoct a convoluted scheme to force the issue.

Bill Silvia

Can they surgically transplant chill? Marten was born with an excess of it.



Bollthorn (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-19 22:43:01 Tol and smol <3
2022-04-07 20:33:18 Tol and smol <3

Tol and smol <3


My fave ship ever 💚💚💚💚