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:) :) :) :) :) :) :) >:)))))))))))




I read that as reproduction by pudding and was confused for a second



Yonatan Zunger

I love Claire so much. And I love this wholesome two-of-them-in-bed-after-a-stressful-day-being-loving dynamic.


Claire is definitely goals body-wise. *sigh* just gotta get these last few pounds outta here. It's proving to be a monumental task no matter what I do :(

Phil Haddock

Love the expressions in the last panel :)


That smile at the end. Glad she's feeling better 🥰




oh christ


I love Claire and Marten as a couple. They both have their moments of self doubt and disagreement. But they both know how to be there for each other and just listen.


As a trans woman, Claire's punniness is relatable

Fart Captor

Help this is too sweet and cute

Kyle Major

That smile is pretty cute


fuck’s sake

Mad Marie

Thanks for leaving us with this one for the weekend, Jeph!


OK I can't be the only one who wants racy Claire art now too, the shoulder freckles aren't helping 😶

Michael Boettger

Claire had a terribly difficult horribly stressful day, from deciphering the needs of a FBMELH, to having her sense of self worth accidentally being called into question by her mother, to a mixed sense of relief and shame by the actions of friends, to a tenderly sweet tete-a-tete with her beloved. Sleep deeply and peacefully, dear Claire, and arise refreshed


I love her so so so so so much. And Marten. Because he is PERFECT for Claire. This is truly awesome. ❤️


the best claireface

Shawn K. Younkin

Ugh... her grin in the last panel feeds my soul.

Anthony Gaglianese

I mean, have you met most of this fanbase? Pretty sure we would go for NSFW Crushbot pics and be happy.


At first glace, I thought Marten was wearing some kind of strange suspender jumpsuit.


Really. I would MARRY the first woman I met who could out-pun me. I'd be happy forever. In agony too, but happy nonetheless.


Nothing wrong with drifting as long as you’re happy :) and working in a coffee shop can be awesome if it has good vibes


I *would* subscribe to that, yes.


I love this one!


Oh my gosh these two are so cute.

Scott Vogel

For a moment I was like "Wait what was his job again?" Cause you know QC time is weird like that. Love that Claire face in the last panel.


I love them so much. These two were the entire reason I started reading QC so long ago so to see them thrive gives me pure serotonin


That's one tight t-shirt he's actually wearing, isn't it?

Merle Blue

That is an absolutely terrible pun and both Claire and Jeph deserve to be proud of it

Frank Wales

ITYM 'Claire Platipun Club'

Shane Wegner

Marten is more at peace with his nature, before his drifting style had suspicions of meaning maybe he wasn’t ambitious enough with some characters, and maybe himself.


FBSEALH! Not to be That Guy but I remembered the initialism was almost pronounceable & it bugged me that I couldn't remember what it was so I looked it up. 😅 (Got some interesting Google suggestions along the way.) Anyway I guess that WAS today, despite it being a whole-ass month ago IRL.

Thomas Halpin

Claire is best Claire. My girl saves the best puns for me, too. It is a supreme joy.


Did you ever get into the archives before she was introduced? There's some GREAT stuff back there w/ other characters that don't have the focus these days (or straight up left their town/planet).

Daniel S

I can kinda relate to Marten on this - most of the best things in my life (jobs especially) have fallen into my lap rather than me going after them specifically.


I can't express enough how happy it makes me that Marten recognizes that Claire makes a much better protagonist than he does.


Are the spaces between their faces in that last panel deliberately uncolored?


Pretty girl :)

Logan Nix

these two are really adorable xD


I'm glad she's feeling better.


god that's such a good post-pun face


This is a worthy addition to the pun-iverse

Mr. Ifrit

This is distilled serotonin. Pure, uncut, straight from the fucking source. I need more.


as a polyamorous lover of puns, i approve.

Orion Rhine

Claire's face in the last panel is *chef's kiss*


God, I love these two together.

David Durant

Martin was never really the protagonist per say. Things would happen _to_ him and nearby him and he was an excuse for the "camera" to be there. Is there a name for that kind of character? I'm too scared to look at TV Tropes 'lest I lose another few hours...

Michael Voorhis

Is that someone's knee, in panel 3 bottom right?

Daniel Drazen

I feel her so much. For 13 years after I got my MALS I worked tangential library jobs in the private sector at two (now-defunct) companies before landing an actual library job. A little over a year later, something opened up at my alma mater that made use of my online searching skills, something that was still new in the 1970s. After 28 years of indexing/editing a periodical index, I retired from the dream job I never knew I dreamed about.

Stephen Wells

"and then they fucked", but unironically.


Claire is definitely still my forever QC crush. Puns are one of the most attractive things. ❤️

Gary Walker


Nicholas Kratzer

Adorable. I'm so happy they have such a healthy relationship

Daniel Blom Paulsen

Gah, Claire is so CUTE! And her and Marten's dynamic is so fucking wholesome, I love it!

Will Weaver

God I love these two.

Abreon or Abrea

I'm sorry, I know it's basic, but I love Claire's freckles .


too many clothes.

Ben French

As wholesome as this comic is I'm just going to ask...Claire pin up?


That last panel. <3


A+ Claireface. Love to see her punning

David Howe

I would totally subscribe :D


I love it! Also, Claire's got more hip game than I would've thought :O

Fart Captor

HRT can do impressive things there even if you start it later in life. Start it early enough and you're identical results to a cis person's puberty


Sexy Claire 😍

Mike O'Dell

Ain’t love grand!!


🥰🤤❤️🥳🧚‍♀️🌈😘 🤘😁🤘


What happened to Claire's ring?