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I am never drawing that many scales ever again



Buck Caldwell

OK, I love it, although it took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out that thing in the last panel was the Very Fancy Deer flying off into the distance.


And make the red dragon pay for it! (I'm sorry (am not))


Ohhhh! I was like 'is it a fairy? Who's the fairy?!' Thanks for explaining :)


I love seeing Bubbles so happy.

Max Kaehn

I want some of that tea.

Jeramii Martin

conflicting feelings about it??

Jason Zions

Oh, Jeph... Totally worth it. The eyes, the facial expressions, perfectly translated into draconic form. Absolutely no doubt as to who is who. Not easy, but a huge payoff. Thanks for.making the effort.


I love every part of this. So much.

Volker Wegert

This has clearly gotten out of scale

Nicki Faulk



the red dragon is faye and the blonde one is hanners. i thought it was familiar but i couldn't place it. thought it was just 2 random dragons