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Michael Boettger

Was the witch a senior member of Dora's former coven?

Yelling Bird



I mean, I wouldn't put her past it, but then how do you explain her family? Did they all get looped in to the curse?

Nicolas Demers

Her parents are just constructs created by the curse to help her fit in better. Sven has always been her real brother and got cursed just to make her suffer more


I mean, they teased Raven pretty much constantly.

John Fiala

I've got to say, it's nice to see that although Dora and Martin are no longer seeing each other, they've still got each other's backs. :)

Anthony Gaglianese

Having worked at a coffee shop, yes, getting a hat trick is a rarity, but it was typically acknowledged with a decent amount of respect as the employee in question was either escorted out or left in tears.


Sigh, I miss Raven when jokes like this come along :)


I mean, Dora was a member of a coven at some point. May still be? She did get an experienced Wiccan in at some point to check Colette for curses.

Kyle Major

You have to be pro witch you don't wanna be double cursed

Mad Marie

“It was Agatha, all along…”


Bubbles' chair!!!


Now a lot of Disco Elysium is making sense...

Mad Marie

“Raven hair and ruby lips, sparks fly from her fingertips…”

Mad Marie

“…and nobody in all of Oz, no wizard that there is or was, is ever gonna bring me down!”

Stephen Wells

The "engagement" thing passed without comment for now but will detonate in three years of real time / two days in comic strip time :)


yayy, the Marten sassy background commentary is back!!! missed him.


I assume witches want nutmeg espresso

J.C. Hewitt

I still remember when sass talk at the coffee shop was most of the plot.

Jim Feldman

But then...Does the trifecta person effectively become the new "Dora" ? Forever trapped at the CoD shop?