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Hannelore is very powerful.




will pay to be hushed by Hanners.

Eric Sieck

Nobody can be mad at Hanners.

Al Hunt

Panel 3 Hanners should be on The Price is Right. Of course, that would cause me to overbid... 1 MEEELEON DOLLARZ!

Captain Button

The HannersField compels you!

Greg Matyola

Secret backdoor code in the AI core?


love the title on this one




... does Faye watch Supernatural?

Donald Randolph

Poor Bubbles, after so many humanoíds who only want to destroy different, difficult to accept a human being who just wants to do something for a friend

Buck Caldwell

I... I don't know how you did it, but maybe in response (competition?) to Brun's adorability, you've gone and made Hanners even more adorable. Something about the hair, I think. Please, be careful, there's a limit to how much adorability a mortal can withstand.


where can i get hannelore's conditioner? <3

David Paul

Hanners IS very powerful. And she has access to orbital bombardment technology should any unworthy peon dare place their derrière anywhere near your seat, Bubbles :)


Why HELLO Hannelore x Bubbles! Hadn't considered the possibility of your existence until now!

Nicki Faulk



Hmm... Hannners has sterility needs... bots can be sterile unlike humans, hanners has connections, bubbles (like most AIs) is likely modular and self-conscious about her current chassis. Totally a match.


I feel like Hanners has come so far throughout the comic and the fact that I have been able to watch her slowly get better and better makes me so happy