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Whoa sorry I forgot to post this last night! We moved into a new place and I was absolutely wiped out.



Scott Vogel

Could you make a desktop background of just Bubbles saying yes? Seems very motivational.


Go Bubbles!


+1 for the desktop background!


Now I want "Bubbles meets Clinton" to be the next comic. Hope the move went well and you like the new house.

Trigon Manthree

Your comic makes me cry, in the good way. Also, clockwise.



Celine Chamberlin

I honestly cheered when Bubbles said "yes."

David Paul

Bubbles is an absolute legend! Screw those punk kids! She might have an armour plated body, but she has more aspects of humanity than they do. Hope the move went well, as well. And that it was a painless as you can expect a house move to be (which is still a great deal of pain, but hopefully a bit less than that) :)