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Let me get my microwave, it might understand that.


Maybe both?

Celine Chamberlin

Maybe they're just a big fan of "Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm" by the Crash Test Dummies?


This is why you should never take your sentient Xbox One anywhere.


Time to call in Yay.

Max Kaehn

It does seem to establish antigravity technology in the QC universe. Since this is AFAIK the first time we've seen that, I suspect it's a prototype. It should be interesting once Yay wanders in...

Ted Van Roekel

Probably escaped from the same lab as the invisible emu...


I'm gonna hazard a guess that this is somehow Emily's fault.

Dean Reilly

It's probably just a bug. Try reloading from a previous save.


I hope this is Internet Jerry

Ryan X

I could see that. Or another random thing Hanners Father sent her with no explanation.


Wait, it's a blank slate just like the blackboard. Maybe they should try writing to it on the board and see if that instigates a response.


have they tried binary?


This took an odd turn...


You’ve normalized sentient robotic life in the QC universe. And now we have a clipart monolith in town. Is this the harbinger to an invasion? Has the apocalypse come?

Mad Marie

Better latte than never.

Mad Marie

Ask not for whom the slab hums.

Aleeza Brown

They should get Emily to help!

Mad Marie

Jeph, does Hum play slabstep music?


Maybe it’s looking for a job as a grinder, but posted on grindr by mistake.

Michael Boettger

Could be a odd bit of E-C tech. Have theg tried ordering pizza?

Mad Marie

Oh goodness…how many weeks in our time is 54 minutes of qc time?!


Given the strong preferences of the other sentient robotic denizens, I'd suggest a lovely tea instead

Captain Button

“Then Clairennalore waited, marshaling their thoughts and brooding over their still untested powers. For though they were master of the world, they were not quite sure what to do next. But they would think of something.”


I know its other places but looks like a Monol from Monster Rancher


Better safe than soya

Darnel D Cooper

I'm thinking they need a bot to talk to it.


Make it tea, not a latte!


Shouldn't she be making them a tea?

Will Weaver

Maybe this is the AI that brought about the QC technological singularity.

Matt Grayson

Just DON’T give it Assam!

Sleepy John

Dora walks in, "Hey, when did we get a new sign outside?"


Hum is fuckin great. I got to see them at Slims in SF and it was a fantastic show.


Also since no one else has made the joke: Maybe the slab missed the train to mars?


Perhaps it's simply forgotten the lyrics to the Philip Glass / Paul Simon song, "Changing Opinion" Gradually / We became aware / Of a hum in the room / An electrical hum in the room / It went mmmmmm

Brooks Moses

it depends how interesting they are. There are lots of 54-minute spans that happen between comics, even! Dozens of them!

Mari San

It's there for the "be kind to a robot" day, it just needs a little loving ♡


Just get it some tea to sniff


Ah yes my favorite manga. Floating Slab-san Can’t Communicate

Armin von Werner

Whatever floats your brick, I'm not judging.


I wonder if it knows Shame Orb...


It's probably just some fancy casemodded PC that got upgraded to Windows 11 without meeting the requirements, and now it's hung in a boot loop - with the fans running at full tilt, hence the hovering and humming...

Chris Crowther

Can't help but think Yay might be very useful right now.


Countercyclical SciFi Movie Mash Ups for the win. Everybody and his dog is doing Dune but Jeph does 2001. The troll game is going strong


It's probably within Yay's nearly limitless capabilities to be useful in this situation. I see no reason to expect Yay to actually be useful


"That's our newest employee." "How are they performing?" "Ho hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..."

Stephen Wells

In a disastrous twist, it turns out that Hovering Hum Slab is lactose-intolerant.


I’m kind of surprised they aren’t using they/them pronouns.


After seeing Komi can't Communicate, I totally see this just as social anxiety ngl.


I'd bet the hum is fans pulling air in the top and blowing it out the bottom. Until I see the slab and Pintsize in the same room at the same time, I'm thinking we know who's in there...


Praise be to the Slab!

Matt Pedone

"We found it later, out back counting stars."

David Durant

Man, deep fan lore. I mean it could easily be Gary but we'll never likely know...

Randall Norman Pick

Honestly I never thought the question of what is personhood could be handled in very funny but still deep way before hitting Questionable Content.


It likes robins, too.

Nicolas Demers

Oh yeah, good catch. I guess because they're not sure if the slab is sapient?

Kyle Rudy

Not gonna lie, if I lived in the sort of world where artificial consciousness was accidental and poorly understood, I'd be nervous about a lot of things, not just floating slabs. Edit: Oh, wait, duh. It's not a drone, it's sitting on the back of an invisible ostrich that's playing a prank on them.


I'm shipping Slabbie and Pintsize. They'll make a cute couple.


Love the confused-but-trying-to-be-supportive vibe in the third panel.


Naw, the Slabster and May. (She'll ask, "Are you male. and can you extend an appendage?" Then she'll realize it vibrates at the same frequency as the hum.)

Daryl Sawyer

They should contact Roko or Elliot. One of them could contact Yay Newfriend, who could come by and say, "knock it off, Dave."



David Howe

Well, better latte than never....

Wild Card

Wouldn't making it tea to smell be more appropriate when you don't know what else to serve an android?


Hum is a great band, but I have a strong personal connection to Matt Talbot's other band, Centaur! In Streams is an absolutely brilliant album. ❤️❤️❤️