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Renee is fun to draw




Haha what a way to live

Marc Kevin Hall

There is no reason for 4am to exist.

Buck Caldwell

I have only ever seen 4am when I'm still awake for it. Except for a couple of surgeries.

Samantha Yeaman

Brun's face in panel 4 sums up my feelings on the subject of 4AM too.


I only like 4am when I see it from the other side.


...but what does she bake? Is it going to turn out she's the pastry vendor to Coffee of Doom or something? Or connected to that other shop where Marten met Padma?


You know, Padma did mention someone name Renee who used to date Angus.

Joseph Erhard-Hudson

I think Renee does the thing that Claire does. You know, the thing where she prioritizes her desires over the needs and comfort of those around her. All with good intentions.


A friend who wants you to get up a 0400 is NOT a friend.

Al Hunt

I... I didn't even know there WAS a 4AM...


I heard about 4AM but honestly I thought it was a myth.

Owen Smith

Wait, she needs a job? Serving people drinks with a certain laconic surliness and wielding a harpoon? Could there be anyone more perfect for Coffee of Doom?

Owen Smith

Well, probably with good intentions. That remains to be established.


Also. Damn that second panel, now I mega ship them.


The vibe I'm getting off Renee, I'm thinking she ships them, too.


The only good 4am is the one that's preserving Apple II software. The time of day known as 4:00 AM can go fuck itself unless one's approaching it at the end of the day. (And, yes, I'm posting this at 04:00 Eastern Time due to a messed up sleep schedule, and it's not the end of my day.)

David Paul

I only see 4am when I've been gaming, and it's a new game, and I'm wrapped up in the storyline...


My friend is a baker and this is her life.

Chris Crowther

Ah yes, getting up at 4am. My least favourite bit of commuting.

Captain Button

If Renee works at The Secret Bakery, that proves that this is all just a virtual reality simulation running with insufficient resources. But who are the real people and who are just sprites?