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Hi Renee



Samantha Yeaman

Gradual hairstyle changes aren't Coffee of Doom exclusive, I see. (Seeing Renee gives me the pangs of Angus's absence. How long will it take to move on?)


I am cautiously optimistic about Renee . She seems like she's doing her best for Brun, but I've known people who acted this way because they were controlling and manipulative. At any rate, Renee has a fantastic look and I'm looking forward to when/if she finally meets Clinton


Renee seems really protective of Brun. I hope she can trust Brun to make her own decisions. Anyway, I wouldn't trust that Clinton fellow. He's probably a murderer. His alter-ego is Dr Murder. He is the murdering kind of murderer that murders every murder like it's a murder's last murder.


I predict that she will see how sexy Clinton is and her and Brun will be the first members of his harem. My evidence is that Jeph is an anime nerd and probably likes that kind of thing


Love the pictures in her hotel room. Reminds me of several hotels I've been to where they just put up the most generic and boring art.


Ah. She's that type of friend I hate.


Next member can be Sven, after he gets over Faye and decides that Clinton is all he needs. As it grows Hannelore needs to be added so that she can organise a really complicated dating schedule for him.

John Ridley

Renee seems a bit of a misandrist.

Al Hunt

Google "Hidden Hotel Art". Now your stays at uninspired hotels will have an air of mystery. You're welcome.