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Claire is IN



Joseph Bonnar

Dora is out of the loop, but at least her spam filter is well fed.


… who’s the manager here again?


That’s a good summation of where I am.


Man, Hanners does not mess around...

Michael Boettger

Okay, calling it right now. Palace coup, with Hanners ousting Dora. And Claire as her majordomo.


Is. There. A. Filing. System.


I think Claire's enthusiasm levels have improved!

Andrea Andrew

Looks like Hannes knows how to manage the coffee shop better than Dora. I smell another change coming. Come to think of it, it feels like Roko all over again.


Seriously mate, thank you. I needed the smile and QC always brings it. 😊

Douglas E. Smith

The employee list was what? Dora, Hanners, Dale, Emily, right? Who else still works there?

Joel Bateman

Dora owns the place, but Hanners is the boss.


Wondering how good the newsletter is, any chance it could get 'leaked' to Patreon? 👀


In which I am Hanners

Michael Boettger

An ancient QC was up on Fark.com earlier today. From back in the 1900's IIRC.

Edward Clayton Andrews

... show of hands, not surprised Hanners has done all this and Dora didn't notice?


Hanners AND Claire. Oh Dora. You have so much unwanted efficiency coming your way. (How were those be-less-of-a-control-freak therapy sessions going again?)

Grace Kieser

Penelope was promoted to asst. Manager after Faye left and Cosette was working there last time we saw her


Oh wait 1900s as in comic number, not as in the year, I'm dumb

Abreon or Abrea

I don't know about you, but that sounds pretty on point for the manager to be that precise and the owner to it of the loop somewhat, especially at an established business like Coffee of Doom.


I continue to identify with Hanners, as I organise everything via spreadsheet/digital format while my ex is a purely analog person

Thomas Halpin

Hannelore's 17% is a LOT


Nah, Hanners wouldn't want to be in charge. Dora's the authority and Hanners quietly keeps things running. It's a good system, really.


There are a variety of good Claire faces in this strip. I must convey my utmost approval.


So Hanners is staging a hostile takeover by *accident*?


In all fairness, you gotta feed your spam filter. Otherwise it'll start snacking on those emails you marked as important 5 years ago.


Being a part of my school's ASB/Student Council had things like this. President or VP absolutely baffled we have a handy dandy event calendar available that no one ever realized existed but was on the bulletin, available at the front desk and mentioned in every agenda.


Can't wait to see the newsletter!


I mean... Why wouldn't you want the spreadsheet? Spreadsheets are life!


Hanners could probably turn Dora's cafe into a thriving chain. And without the apathetic corporate energy too <3

Ace of Hearts

Claire and Hanners are only going to get more powerful by combining this way


a coffee of doom newsletter would be a good patreon reward

William Cole

In retrospect, *obviously* Hanners would do all this.


If this is -17% of her best, I'm scared to see what +17% looks like.


Calling it now, Claire will find a way to do library science on the cloud storage. Hannelore will find it the sexiest thing she has ever seen. She will make Claire a latte for thanks and they will both blush as Claire drink it. Nothing more will come from it.

Shane Wegner

I think Hanners might outgrow this job someday. Now I'm picturing automated coffee kiosks around the world that know exactly what you want and using predictive analysis have it ready for you as you walk up. No lines. Always perfect. It easily eclipses Starbucks and is the first step on Hannelore's globe-spanning empire.


But she doesn't want a globe-spanning empire. She wants to work in a coffe-shop

Shane Wegner

And did Dora direct her to optimize that coffee shop with cloud storage spreadsheets? Oh no. That desire to grow, to increase the coffee shop's efficiency and power, came from deep within. THAT'S HOW IT STARTS. 😈


<3 Hanners, she makes *everything* better.

Yelling Bird



I just want to see what their masthead looks like.


When Coffee of Doom expands to open a branch at the SMIF library, Claire will see her calling. I’m calling this plot point now.


I was thinking Coffee of Doom would start selling books as a side business, but this works too. 🙂📚

Mad Marie

I really like Dora’s last face…I have unfortunately made that face too many times to count.

Shawn K. Younkin

This is what Dora means when you work past 70% of your potential!

Jim Feldman

Plus a dose of Hanner's Mom added in. It's tough when you're the slightly psycho offspring of a mad scientist and a power hungry CEO raised by an AI in a space station (just helping any stragglers)

Some Ed

No, Hannelore seemed pretty determined to not be the one in charge. So it's going to be Dora who is in charge of this globe-spanning, world-dominating coffee empire. It's just that Hanners and Claire will be running it. To be clear, they're still going to be baristas, working in the first and second (at SMIF, as predicted by Miyaa below) locations respectively. After all, why would Dora promote them for causing her simple coffee shop to expand when she didn't want it to? But they'll still be the ones more or less running the show.

Some Ed

No. A friendly but unrequested reorganization. Hanners isn't looking for a job title. She's just trying to do what she thinks is a good job. As Shane Wagner predicts down below, this will result in a globe-spanning empire. But it's Dora's company, not Hannelore's.

Some Ed

Three things more will come of it: 1. Coffee of Doom branch at SMIF. 2. Revitalization of libraries as they embrace new technology, while addressing some of the concerns with it. (Like, all of this digital stuff is really ephemeral.) 3. Nobel prize in library science.

Nicolas Demers

If she hasn't been checking work-related email, I'd say they're going pretty well!

Ursus Ridens

Compare the shop talk here with that, say, in QC #10 or QC #83. How we have grown up! (Alas).