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Yay called it




Yelling Cat, the only one who can defeat Yelling Bird


at least Hercules is *outside* the bedroom ...

Jackie Horn

I just know that will be my dog whenever I get me a girlfriend.


Are they full on nude or just shirtless? The world needs to know.

Michael Boettger

Hercules attempting to cockblock apparently.

Fart Captor

Hercules you little perv


So fucking cute

Anthony Gaglianese

I mean, it's like a 6th sense pets have. Seriously, it's kind of freaky.


Poor Clinton and Elliott, they can't catch a break.

Rob McBobson

And Yay's listening in with their superhearing, and is singing "What'd we teeell yoooou~"


And he is worried sick about his dad, such strange noises are coming from his room.


That last panel is a sweet treat. Bless you Jeph. (This would be my cats as well. If a door is shut they are unhappy.)

Maria E.

Odds of Yay suddenly showing up and absconding with Hercules? Or are they trying not to listen in as much these days?


When I lived with my parents anytime my girlfriend visited we'd have to close my bedroom door so we could hang out without their puppy harassing us. Only it resulted in him scratching the door and barking until we let him in


I called it! I mean, Yay called it and I backed them up but I still called it!


Hercules is like my cat Merlin except when I'm in the bathroom with the door closed & am not having a shower.


God this is my cat every night if she can't sleep next to me. XD


Give Hercules to Yay. Clinton can be your new cat. Or more appropriately: catboy 😺


I have the same problem with my dog.


what a delight! Thank you so much!

Dylan T

Hubris, thy name is Elliot


Just let him come in and stare creepily. That's what our two cats do. :P

Douglas E. Smith

Standard cat behavior. Wants to be where all the happy pheromones are coming from.


...setting things up for Clinton meeting Yay. And Clinton finding out (eventually) who - and what - Yay is. Record-setting Clinton freakout, incoming...

Matthew McIntosh

This is Maggie regardless of coitus. The door itself is a bit loose too so she can "knock" when she puts her weight on it. Endlessly. Usually just after I've gotten comfortable. And then she doesn't actually want to enter. Just continues complaining. *facepalms*


Hercules is simply explaining that closed doors inside his house are Not Allowed. As his human, Elliott should have already known this, but Hercules is a generous cat, and will forgive the infraction so long as the door is opened AT ONCE and he is worshipped properly by both humans until he grows bored of their attentions. He probably won't even punish them with any maulings or vomit surprises.


I mean given what we know about Yay, all he really has to do is say out loud "Yay, you can come take Hercules for the night" and the issue will be solved. We already know that they performs remote surveillance on their acquaintances after all, and the lock on a door will be no trouble for them.

A. J. Alfieri-Crispin

So, what’s in the picture frame to the left of the bedroom door?

Yelling Bird



My cat Sienna will come in during the shower and poke her head around the curtain like, "Why are you standing in the bigwetnoisy box, hooman?"

Dean Reilly

Hey, Hercules is just being a good wingman by providing a romantic serenade!



Shawn K. Younkin

You know you can just "ask her to pick him up" out in the aether, Elliot.


I will gladly suffer the first three panels for the fourth.


Clinton looks so smol with Elliott. ❤️

Joel Bateman

oh OH O H who's top?

Sean Kinlin

Letting them in is best. They might stare for a while, but they also typically get bored and just sit nearby. Then again, I did have a cat lick my leg once while in the throes of passion (I was in the throes, not the cat).

Am Queue

No, really, the cat on the other side of the door is better. One friend of mine told a story about being ... vigorously in the act with his partner, and the cat jumping onto the bed and deciding to bat at the .. um... toys... bouncing... ... yeah.


Can confirm. This is how all pets act at human sexy-time.


Twitter is going to love this one tomorrow! 5/5


in this house, cat rule no1, no closed doors!

Daniel S

I guess they figured out who the bottom-ier bottom is.


"um excuse me we do not shut doors in this house"

Todd Ellner

"..... And then they tried to fuck!"


Cute gay seggs is all I ever wanted 😭😭😭😭🥰🥰🥰🥰💚💚💚💚🌈🌈🌈🌈🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


You think Yay is listening in? No way she is turning off all awareness... She should know Herc need a pickup =)


You know, with how uncertain Clinton was at the start this was surprisingly fast. Not complaining, though




They got to the dick stuff!

Melissa Smits

More like Jerkules, amirite? (j/k, cats just need to be involved with everything)


There's a strip which I haven't found again yet where Elliot imagines Brun as a cat-girl. I found the ones where he imagines her in “fancy dress” https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3287 , being fastidious https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3345 , and Hannelore and Brun as "friendship fairies" https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3347 , but not that one.

Comics Ladybird

Hercules, be more like Mr Kitteh, who despite being thrown out of the room https://www.gogetaroomie.com/comic/mow-mow-mow-mow#comment-4741402827 , understood this was a Moment: https://www.gogetaroomie.com/comic/life-saver https://www.gogetaroomie.com/comic/best-mr-kitteh

Todd Ellner

Could be. Could be hung like a Mastodon. You know what they say about skinny guys :)

Ian Wolfe

Ah, good old cattus interruptus. Probably the least mortifying variant of coitus interruptus, but arguably the most annoying.


Then there’s “canis interruptus”….. cold nose to the tush or warm tongue lick to the foot!


Would've liked to see Yay be wrong for once.


Based on a true story.


Sometimes, on account of him being a giant cutie, I forget how hot Elliot is.


This is the most true.

Daniel Blom Paulsen

(continued from comment on last comic) -EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 😍


*squeeeeeeees some more*


I have shipped these two so hard for so long!!

Heather bear

As a cat servant, I feel this in my bones.


ah, the ultimate cock-block.


Wait, how has Clinton not heard of Yay yet?

Richard Muir

He might have heard of the clandestine AI, but not known their name. Or he's just distracted. ;-)