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when all you have is a pneumatic air cannon...




Penetration test, obviously


Gotta test all the possibilities for legal reasons.


Fuckin HYPE Cave Johnson made a dildo factory


Less “for” and more “Fore!”

Joel Bateman

Maybe it's a good thing Pintsized didn't get this job.

Michael Boettger

Rule 34, taken to a potentially fatal extreme.

Fart Captor

I love this so much


This reminds me of Marigold watching a scientist on the Station cutting an apple with a laser. (“This is the greatest day of my life.”)


Didn't realize Beepatrice worked at Aperture Science but ok


Test is for penetration ability obviously! Or perhaps aerodynamics.


Oh god, is Beeps secretly terrible at this job too? She sucks at her pro-AI rights gig, and she hates doing paperwork here. Was she told 'test sex toys' and she never bothers actually testing them right and just does stuff that doesn't need to be done?

Dean Reilly

No hardhat for Beeps? Hiring robots is clearly a saving when it comes to safety equipment.

Mad Marie

It’s pneumatic. Clearly this is modeling a blow job.

Yelling Bird


Michael Boettger

I can see it when she gets home:How was the interview and why are your clothes peppered with bits of pink plastic?


Gee, that testing chamber looks an awful lot like another testing chamber that I know and loathe. The lab isn't run by a giant red eye, is it?

Dylan T

I really want to know who's funding these tests and for what purpose. Because I feel like there's been a misunderstanding on what the verb "jackhammering" means when used in a sexual context.

Brian Pickering

By any chance have you seen the cartoon Skin Horse? Because this type of testing strikes me as similar to the testing done by Drs. Chris and Marcy of the Department of Irradiation. When all you've got is a particle accelerator, irradiate things! When all you've got is a pneumatic cannon.... https://books.google.com/books?id=LdGEAAAAQBAJ&lpg=PT8&ots=vQ3129zQQ1&dq=skin%20horse%20%22department%20of%20irradiation%22&pg=PT8#v=onepage&q=skin%20horse%20%22department%20of%20irradiation%22&f=false


I had no idea Applied Dildonics Ltd had a US Defense Department contract.


This arc is going to kill me, I swear. I laughed so hard I started choking.

Hugh Eckert

Dildocannon 5000000

Shawn K. Younkin

I appreciate the emergency lubricant.

Yonatan Zunger

I mean, this makes sense. Consider that Crushbot might be one of their customers.


This is where they apply the dildonics.

Dallas Hicks

I wish you lived in Canada a couple of decades ago so you could have enjoyed the Royal Canadian Air Farce (a comedy troupe) who would literally use one of these every week and called it a Chicken Cannon as they would launch a rubber chicken and various goodies at pictures of politicians. If only they could have gotten away with launching a dildo at Stephen Harper...


I think I want a dick howitzer...


Notice that Beeps doesn't wear a helmet.

David Durant

I love that Claire is also blushing in the first panel


Two words: Hypersonic dildos. What else is there to understand?

Yonatan Zunger

I'm also thinking about SmarterEveryDay's supersonic baseball gun, and how it could totally be adapted to fire dildos, and suddenly I have an urge to do some very unwise machining.


Well, one thing, I guess. How does someone who can't change the paper in a printer without getting their hand caught in it survive using that thing?

Gary Walker

Dickscarding Sabot



Thomas Halpin

The dueling blushes in this page are fantabulous. I needed that cute today.

Summer Sudbrink

A different kind of injection molding.

Summer Sudbrink

The overcompensating jokes write themselves.

Summer Sudbrink

I guess this strip is cannon now.

Summer Sudbrink

Good news! It's a suppository.

Anthony Gaglianese

If it's worth doing, it's worth OVERdoing.

Summer Sudbrink

Applied Dildonics: A joint venture of PornHub and the NRA.

Rob McBobson

Here's a thought: Jeph usually doesn't show genitals, robot ones or flesh-person ones. But he will show a dildo. So one has to wonder: Is the moment that an artificial penis is attached to the robot also the moment that it becomes too indecent to show?


Beeps always clarifies that her job is not "that kind" of testing, but is anyone doing that kind of testing or are the dildos only subjected to standard destructive force tests?

Clifton Royston

I've noticed several regular Skin Horse readers & commenters are among the patrons here (including me, obviously.)

JPMK! {verb}

Love you Beeps <3


Should I be happy that there are no holes in the wall?

Bruce Steinberg

Claire is so adorable in that hard hat.


THAT'S what I call banging!

Randall Norman Pick

I really want to know what that target square is made of.


For the sake of the consumers, someone really should be doing "that" kind of testing.


kek she's a Pen-tester :) *cpt obvious - over and out*


Where is the aerial faith plate?


I know "Penetration Testing" is a thing that you can do, and there's certifications for it and stuff, but seeing it in practice it's really not at all what I expected


Beeps missed the opportunity to say "cocked and loaded". Development of a .50 cal anti-tank dildo, perhaps? Is this meant to be the ultimate in military mockery or just a custom design for Bubbles?


If Bubbles is getting anything it's going to be custom-built by Faye. Upon its completion Pintsize will worship Faye as a god.


Lock & load! We're gonna hit that like the fist of an angry god!

Fart Captor

Oh god there needs to be a new version of "Will It Blend?" except it's loading various sex toys into a howitzer



Fart Captor

The scorch marks on the wall are such a great touch. The idea that a dildo hit that spot so hard that it burn the wall is amazing

Tim Williams

that weapon looks like it has an enlarged prostate..

Chubby Bunny

I mean, makes sense. You want to make sure it's durable.

Everett Bradshaw

The emergency lubricant in the second panel made me snort my drink.


Truth be known, Beeps needs her orgasm circuit activated. She's at least as randy as May, but way more repressed. Take one of those things home and ride it to the moon, Woman!!


The wall paneling reminds me of Portal

Ben Russell-Gough

"We used to have a DoD contract and most of the equipment was purchased before we lost it for comedic ineptitude. My boss at the time insisted that we still use the military-specification equipment so that he didn't look like an idiot for making an unnecessary purchase."


That last panel cracked me up good XD


I know! Didn’t think I needed that look!


psi is stored in the ball


Cave Johnson, we're done here


I love how Beeps never stops being embarrassed about people asking about 'testing'


Clearly it's testing to see how many kilonewtons of force a silicone dildo can withstand before losing particle cohesion.


Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9N9stCUlGc&t=2527

Jim Feldman

I remember when they started out on the radio (CBC out of Toronto?) We lived east of Buffalo and the station boomed in (on AM of course). Almost literally ROFL.


It's not that kind of testing but they have emergency lube. Does that mean there are other people at the facility that *do* do *that* kind of testing?


I would like to take a rapid fire pneumatic dildo cannon down to a certain Florida golf resort.


Crushbot works here part time, I hope.

Clarence the Liar

Hell, he might be Employee of the Month in a place like that. I am sure there is a good market for vibrators rated to take two or so tons of robot crushing down on them, accidentally or no.

Chris Warren

I love Beeps's attitude. She's a good person.


Fire in the hole is something you never want to hear when discussing sex toys.


On a related note, a friend was once given some flavoured condoms, which turned out to be mint. Let's just say there are places you really don't want to have minty fresh breath.


The latest generation of Sybians really pack a punch


Weird thought. Do you think Jeph is inventing so many AI characters (which I don't mind at all, btw), because hates drawing noses?