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I'm not sure what Claire's end game is here, but I have popcorn!


Human emotions pint-size is fucking with me


Why exactly does Claire want this job? What happened to becoming a librarian?


Pintsize, ahead of the fashion curve on the new Business casual.


She's struggling to find a librarian job-she'll take what she can get


Is the next arc going to be Pintsize having to deal with real life shit? Because he bought a chassis on credit and now has to find a job.


Maybe she’s trying to help prepare Pintsize for a time when Marten and Claire want their own space? Eventually that may happen!


This is going to end with Pintsize x Beeps isn’t it?


Thanks alt-text, now I know why I haven't been getting any callbacks!


yeah Pintsize might have unintentionally doomed himself. He could find himself moved from "quirky housepet" to the "shitty roommate" category. Especially since charging that new chasis is gonna take more electricity.

Michael Boettger

The vibe I'm getting here is that Claire is feeling a bit desperate. She desperately wants her dream librarian job, but she is also feeling a need to contribute to the household. Marten has a job, Faye and Bubbles are making enough to hold up their end. Maybe she wants to feel more... Adult? And put money aside for the future? A needful move if she gets her job and to pay her end there.


Doesn't Marten basically have the job Claire wants? They could find something new for Marten, and then she could take his job.

Michael Boettger

Marten's job is close. But considering that she has a Masters in library science, she's waaay over qualified. She should be Tai's big boss.


I’m 1000% onboard with “winnowing” as euphemism for the effective deployment of a dildo.


I'm loving the side eye that Claire is giving Pintsize in panels two and four.

Yelling Bird


Sleepy John

Wow. The JellyBelly factory gives away free jelly beans, the dildo factory won't give out free jelly?

Captain Button

Aren't they *exploding* dildos that they make there?

Creepy Cat Lady

Doesn't Tai also have a Masters in Library Science? I thought she was telling Claire anecdotes about taking the big final tests to calm her down? Am I remembering that wrong?


I think lots of people prefer slave dildos. I mean, dildos with minds of their own might as well be men, and what's the point of that?


Hopefully a hefty employee discount, though?

Orion Rhine

I'd assume employees at least get a discount, there's got to be SOME perk (aside from working in a sextoy factory).


And now comes the long dark teatime of the soul while we wait for Saturday and hopefully GET SOME DAMNED ANSWERS.

Erin Moriarty

I hope she gets it so she can work with Bee. They'd have adorable interactions. Both fierce little marshmallows.


Does Pintsize's full sized model lack a nose? Why would they make a model like that?


Maybe some AI don't want noses. Not all of them want to be fully human-standard. Pintsize probably just got the basic human-sized one and didn't care about the extra features.

Hugh Eckert

Claire has always been more than a match for Pintsize.


I bet it doesn't actually say that.


You know... I feel like, alternative interpretation of Pint-size is he's often in the right, and the gang is pretty disrespectful of him. It is actually rude to crash a friend's job interview without asking. Additionally, Martin was pretty disrespectful for him literally just wanting the same degree of agency everyone around him has. When you consider the amount of physical damage people have gotten away with doing to his chasis over the years, combined with the fact that Pint-size himself has never physically hurt anyone.. like, maybe they're the assholes and not him?

Jeff Norman

This is blatant return-from-sleep-modeism. Or whatever AIs call wokeness.

Grace Kieser

Pintsize has always had money available. He just hides it in unorthodox places, like the toilet cistern or in that box of weetabix in the cupboard!


Pintsize makes the tie work

Ben Russell-Gough

Why am I not surprised that this was Pintsize's only reason for being interested in the job?

Clifton Royston

I should start adding that when I post a job ad.


I wonder if Faye would still be able to fill this chassis' head with birdseed. Not at all opposed to the change, just figure I'll miss seeing the consequences of chaos in his mini form (didn't someone shut him in the fridge once?!) 😂


I think this is just Claire calling Pintsize on his shit. I’m guessing she’s annoyed he’s applying for a job as a joke when she’s having trouble finding a relevant job after having gone to college/put a lot of time and effort into her profession.

Stephen Wells

I would bet that a skilled librarian could completely revise how they catalogue their products. Possibly using the "Do me" Decimal System.


Well played. I hate you a little for it, but well played none the less.


I am genuinely interested what this job entails...


I knew someone who worked for the Adam and Eve call center. They had a series of shelves with all the products out where the reps could pick them up and see exactly what the caller was asking about in order to answer the questions. IIRC, reps were given a new toy every month so they could make informed recommendations .


imagine your boss handing you a dildo ''enjoy the weekend, i expect a full review useable to convince our customers to get more than one''


I gotta say, I've been reading since 2014 and it's gonna take me a while to get used to the new Pintsize. I remember him in the original first 300 with the gap tooth and I keep mistaking him for Winslow somehow.


Its just pintsize being pintsize that he went through the effort of putting on pants and a tie but no shirt... right? There's no other reason? I don't recall other AIs walking around shirtless....


Can anyone here help me find the strip where Martin and May finally get it on?


It's time for the Crushbot gets a new body arc. When I think about Crushbot, who is in therapy, trying to get a job outside of crushing, and then I think what must be going through their head when trying to put that cherry on the cupcake, I imagine a desperately lonely and traumatized individual. Give that robot a body that doesn't crush things!


Someone should teach pintsize how clothes work. Booty shirts and a tie are not all you need for a job interview.


Well, not with that attitude they're not.

Julie Chan

I think he's used to wandering around "naked" and is only wearing the hotpants because he has to wear *something*. He's been know to wear a tie when he's doing somthing fancy, so of course he's going to wear the tie to the interview.


Crushbot should fall in love. He should see Lemon and develop a ______


Thanks @kattandra and @Kitty ... that definitely sounds interesting

Jim Feldman

And why for the love of dog does he have a phone in his crotch?


I'm living for the expressions on Pintsize's new face

Am Queue

I keep mistaking him for Winslow, also. I didn't have much of a problem with the extreme change to Winslow, but I think that's 'cause Winslow didn't have much of a face or body language. Momo and May are just larger. This change is very very different. :/


Thanks. That probably explains why my searches came up dry.


"Things may change and that's OK. Today we can do things a different way." -- Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood


When did Claire even read the job ad? She only now found out about his new body and they just now left the house, when did she have time to read it?


Oh lord I'm terrified. I can't imagine what pintsize worthy shenanigans Jeph has planned.


I noticed Claire's gauges then flashed back to her getting a nose ring and where is Claire's nose ring? dammit i don't have time to do an archive dive to see if it's been MIA for a while or if she just took it out last night and hasn't had time to put it in.


https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=4334 I did have time for an archive dive because the asshat who schedule an 8:00 am meeting this morning cancelled it at 9:30 last night thankyou for asking. oh you didn't ask. nevermind then


Oh canceling a meeting way after hours is the worst.

Darnel D Cooper

I wonder: Do the AI's have backups of themselves? When they "transfer" from the originating source of their being is it a data transfer or an exact copy? What is the generic capacity of those "brick" modules we've seen drawn? (Sorry, one of my geek days.)

Darnel D Cooper

Well, Jeph hasn't quantified whether the "spark" of awareness is digital or analog,.. as in did the mechanics cause it or the programming, or a combination of the two that once started is purely an energy thing? Gives me too much wiggle room for my nerd bump, because it opens a can of worms on how "big" Yay actually is for example - and would explain why Melon is so Quiotic while Station is so sane and Bubbles so damaged.


She could have it flipped up or have a retainer in. it's one of the pros of a septum piercing; it's very easy to hide when you want/have to. I did that with mine a few weeks ago because I just wasn't feeling it for a while. (ie, plausible excuse)

Clifton Royston

An old friend of mine used to work at Autodesk, the CAD company, back when the official company dress code was something like "You should not go naked, you should wear clothes, and you shouldn't smell bad; but if you're *really* good at what you do, we don't care if you smell bad."