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that was fast




Any excuse Jeph 😜


Seems about right


She one up'ed Dale and the sparklers!

Terry Parry

May, we love you all so much


So, any chance of us getting an uncensored pic of May, like before? Lol


Hanners face is me on a daily basis


Can confirm, this is EXACTLY what it’s like to get a job offer when currently at a convenience store. FUCK THIS JOB IM OUT

Michael Boettger

Hanners is like, what was anyone really expecting?

Grace Kieser

Yeah, I totally don't blame her! That Qwik-E mart was a terrible job!

Joel Bateman

Jeph. Because we're all degenerates...you should do a topless pinup of May.


May, please don’t go back to robot jail for public indecency.


Well you can't say she wasn't eager! 🤣🤣🤣


Oh my word I saw this one coming from lightdecades away.

Celine Chamberlin

So... does May want the job? She's being kind of subtle about it.


I didn't call the partial nudity, but I called pretty much everything else


My favorite part is hanners face xD


This could either be very good or very very very very bad.

Dylan T

Knowing May, she probably has not purchased many new shirts or bras since she got her body, so I don't know what we expected

Emma Humphries

This represents a new era in community management. The bros won't know what smited them.


… and hijinks ensued.


Oh May. I'm happy for her lmao.


This is a very specific kind of Peak May


Also, slightly aside everything, but I don't think I've ever posted before and I doubt you (jeph) will see this, but anyway, I hope you do. Wen I first read QC is was very different. So was I. I was homeless when I first found QC. I remember using a few days of my free hour at the library each day to read the first few hundred and using the first few moment of that hour to read the latest one every day for years. I've been a patron since I escaped homelessness and your comics have sometimes been one of the few things I've looked forwards to in darker times, so thank you for all you've done to help me even if you've never heard from me or knew that I existed. In a strange way I've felt a connection to you through your art and sometimes that connection has given me irrational strength.

Merle Blue

As nice as May's new body is, I really hope she doesn't get arrested again.


Oh Jeph don't do this to us


Classy chassis!

Scott Vogel

Pretty much how I expected this to go.

Doug DeJulio

Oh Jeph? Do this to us.

Fart Captor


Simon Green


Buck Caldwell

Somehow I can't imagine May actually intentionally hiding her nudity.


Well, I have now realized the one downside to working from home. Thanks, Jeph. Good thing I don't intend to quit anytime soon.


Jeph better see it. Either way, so glad you moved on and are in a better place now.


Yeah. But we gotta give them massive credit for hiring a convicted felon. And also for not firing her the many times she richly deserved it.


The news that night: "And in local news, approximately $150,000 of damage was done to home and businesses when an overenthusiastic AI accidentally broke the sound barrier and the resultant sonic boom shattered windows for miles around..."

Simon Green

She's not shy; she just doesn't want to get arrested for accidentally knocking someone out with one of those on the way over.


Good thing they were too cheap to get the tacky polyester pants.

Captain Button

But did she stop to wash off the hotdog juice?


May May make May memorable!

Dora Dodson

I can't stop cackling at Hannelore's face. I've re-read this page 3 times, and I still crack up. Much May appreciation. XD

Rob McBobson

May running to Coffee of Doom like Sonic at the beginning of Sonic SatAm.

Kyle Rudy

Gosh, after all these years! Finally, I have a role model.

Mad Marie

Perhaps the hot dog juice was pretty foul today, and leaving the shirt behind was a great kindness for all whom she would subsequently encounter.

Shawn K. Younkin

Goddamit Jeph, I want a dakimakura of May now....

Hugh Eckert

Almost the exact same thing happened to me during college- except it was from a landscaping company to a GS-4 govvie job.

Mad Marie

Perhaps she was moving so fast getting rid of the shirt that the polyester pants fused to her chassis.


Haha I'm imagining her on the counter with her shirt helicoptering over her head as she hells "I quit! Wooooo!" and then a victory lap around the store to the bathroom.

Hugh Eckert

I keep forgetting how... tall May is. Tall. That's right...


"A convenience store near the epicenter of the blast also suffered minor flooding around the same time. Authorities believe an unusually greasy t-shirt that, quote, 'reeked of hotdog juice," is the source of the problem. They are unsure at this time if the events are connected."


Happy May makes my day.

Mad Marie

I wonder how many topless scenes in media can claim to fully pass the Bechdel test...

Andrea Andrew

🎵I was streaking through the town one day in the merry merry month of🎵 “May! Put some clothes on!”


ok, how do i sign up to be a robot?

Grace Kieser

She did try to get a job as a sentient billboard for Faye, once! She is very motivated!


Aight. So when are we gonna get the topless May cheesecake posts?


I’m not sure if the sound was May breaking the sound barrier or Yelling Bird exploding in seeing topless May.


I seem to recall Dale quitting his old gig in a similarly expeditious manner. Albeit a bit more ... sartorially. No wonder they get along.


It's everything I hoped it would be.


The hot dog juice is a natural clog dissolver.

Joseph Bonnar

THIS! This is why I subscribe to Jeph's patreon. The big blue betitted hobgobliness is on the move!

Nobilis Reed (personal)

My question is not why is May topless but why is she holding her boobs. I mean, robotic Cooper's Ligaments are probably pretty tough. --N

Julienne Ignace

Is she holding her boobs to cover them, or is she holding them to keep them from bouncing uncomfortably when she walks/runs? As a robot is she sensitive to uncomfortable boob bounce?

Julienne Ignace

This is what I'm wondering!!! Is she prone to suffering from uncomfortable boob bounce!?

Brooks Moses

I was going to make a silly comment about whether lesbian porn counts as "media" for purposes of this, and whether the oppressive presence of male gaze makes it fail either the "about a man" or the "between two women" parts of the test, but then two things occurred to me. First, it's pretty rare for such things to have the requisite "60 seconds of conversation", and second, this was something about which one could have a significant conversation and thus was far less funny than the throwaway "yes that gets in on a technicality but obviously it shouldn't count" joke I was thinking of making. So instead I post this random rambling. And also note that I bet there's some really good queer burlesque out there somewhere that _does_ fully pass the Bechdel test with approximately-topless scenes.

Brooks Moses

I think Dale's had to have pre-meditated rather than spur-of-the-moment, though. Unless he was keeping the sparklers for just such an occasion.


this is going to be a fun ark


this *is* subtle by May standards


She's holding them to keep from injuring innocent bystanders as she flies through the streets on the way to Coffee of Doom, though many would argue that's the best way they ever heard of to go.


Member when Patreon was pitched to avoid censorship without hurting QC ad revenue? I member.


Let’s see... a job where she’s not at the convenience store, some things she’s actually good at, working for someone she likes, and I’m sure there will be plenty of Aholes which she can use her unique personal touch on if necessary.

Chase the Dragon

"Imagining my reaction if I was drinking at a table there."

Todd Ellner

She seems motivated. That's a good sign


Can't really blame her...


Oh, go ahead Jeph. Let her flash 'em. This strip needs more raw robopseudomammaries.

Fart Captor

Honestly if I had tits like May's you would not be able to keep a shirt on me


Can't wait for May's hololive avatar, MaysHotdogMilkers

William Cole

I can think of a couple ways to visualize that, all of them gross. Besides, if Marigold is BurgerOni, clearly May should be something like HotdogOgre(ss)

Lee B.

Lol Hanner’s face


yeah, sounds about right. i'm curious if she had her arm there the entire way or not.


Congratualtions, Dora. Coffee of Doom is now a topless robot bar


Why do they have a neck seam? The best models - MILITARY GRADE HARDWARE - still, a neck seam. Hmmm


I'm still not used to how tall she is now


Heh, roboobs

Ben Russell-Gough

Someone was eager to make a new start, it seems. I wonder if, like Dale, she spent some time telling her boss how much she hated him and his job before running off? Road flares may have been involved.


That's not military grade. She's not allowed military grade


Poor Hanners. Her face says it all. Lol


Reporting for Booby! ... I mean Booty!




... damn, I wish I had thought to quit my last job with road flare semiphore...


I'm just imagining the faint at first, but steadily growing sound of fast paced foot steps from inside Coffee of Doom

Ben Russell-Gough

Hannelore is reminding herself that all she needs to do is keep breathing slowly and regularly and the hallucination will go away sooner or later.


Hannelore in last panel killed me. :D


Hey creator-person, how many new likes/subscribers do we have to achieve until we get May nuds?

Dean Reilly

You'd have to leave a pretty good tip, since you'd already have gotten two!

David Durant

I nearly managed that at a old job. It may have involved entering the xmas party, popping a bottle of champagne and shouting "I resign!"


Just waiting on more May lewds

Comics Ladybird

Whoever had “outdoing Dale in the process of immediate quitting” in the betting pool, collect your winnings. P.S. if May wants to simultaneously express her freedom of no longer having to represent an employer she was unhappy with, and keep some modesty by hiding her nipples, I say good for her. I liken it to a male character who would “simply” have gone topless.

Uncle Duke

Robot titties!

David Pipes

Functionalism tells us that conformation to utility should be enough for anyone... :-)


Really enjoying this webcomic and also enjoying mays new bod

Ray Cornwall

To be fair, does May need a top for her new job?

Maurice Kessler

On the old Muppet Show, someone would mention Gonzo's name, and he'd whoosh in immediately, hoping he'd gotten a spot on the show. That sound effect is what I heard in the last panel, there. Also, slapstick *and* cheesecake in the same panel? Fantastic.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣This is fucking awesome! Jeph has peaked!


Bloobies. Roboobies. Big tiddy boss gf.


Love this!!!!!


Am I the only one who prefered her old looks ?

Aaron Schulz

May is the best, she knows how to live life.


Do robo titties have nipples and if so why? If not, why not?


She got the message while she was trying to clean her shirt of hotdog juice.

Darnel D Cooper

LOL Take being topless as a "yes".

Yelling Bird


John M Davis

Really looking forward to some robo titties.

Michael Keogh

Free the nipples! She was flushed even before running to her new job.


Now I'm thinking about May having pasties that say "I quit, motherfuckers!" on every day she goes to work, just so she's prepared for when she gets the chance.


Welp. Congratulations chat. https://twitter.com/jephjacques/status/1392941941420142593?s=21

David Durant

Nice to see AIs being able to text without needing a phone (I always wondered why Data needed a communicator) but it does open interesting questions like can they access things like Wikipedia anytime they want and what effect does having that kind of information immediately available in your brain mean?

Darnel D Cooper

May and Momo had the convo. for AI it is actually preferable to be one step removed from a direct feed,.... (May said it better.) So - based on all the AI in the series i get the distinct impression that online access id entirely by personal pref with AI. Bubbles for example seems to barely use online access, Pintsize uses an awful lot of bandwidth, and Yay? Yay acts like the internet.

Yonatan Zunger

My hope for the outcome: May finally is earning some money, decides to pay people back. That won't work for most of them, but she *can* pay Sven back... and suddenly they have some new options.

Ben Russell-Gough

Maybe Marigold can spring for some novelty t-shirts for her and May: "Boobie Gal (Pink)" and "Boobie Gal (Blue)" or something similar...

Ruth Merriam

Hannelore is reaching out into the Void for any scrap of zen she can find.

Clifton Royston

Seems chilly today - there's a nip in the air.