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Michael Boettger

Ooohh!! This is gonna be good!! Heading out for popcorn now!

Erin Moriarty

Oh my God. I LOVE the potential this setup has.





drone r0m-3

Why? You really don't want to know.

Peter McDevitt

so how much damage is May gonna do to that shop when she quits?


Splash tray overflow


Omg yes 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿


May’s face in the last panel kills me.


Why WOULD a hotdog machine leak?!

Byron Wright

May completely sassing anyone that enter Marigold's DMs about a sponsorship or business deal to take advantage of her would be amazing.


Yay!! Good opportunities for May!


If it's a steam one, has a spigot on the side for cleaning out nasty hot dog water. They can and do leak. 🤣 Source: I've had to use them.


Odds are everything’s gonna be either destroyed or messed up and all the dirty magazines are gonna be stolen.


YES! Hire ex-cons for regular jobs!




That’s a clear case of excess hotdog juice


I'm so happy about this


Why would a hot dog machine leak? Do you have any idea what's in those minimart hot dogs to begin with? Do you even want to know??




She works at a convenience store. It's probably one of those "roller" things. They leak grease.

Todd Ellner

Why? There are secrets what Man wot not wot of

Kyle Rudy

I'm imagining May on mod duty. She is going to crush pervy internet randos like bubblewrap.


I don't know if you want an actual answer, but having worked in a place that had a machine that's likely what you're thinking of (many rollers, hot dogs in rows) as the hot dogs cook and are kept warm, especially depending on the... Quality and how hot you have it set, grease flows down the rollers and onto a tray underneath. If you don't clean it regularly, it would build up, and then, well, leak. It is as gross as it sounds.

Simon Green

Look we've all been there it's really nothing to worry about totally normal

Max Kaehn

Given how tall May's new body is, she must already have been kneeling to scrub something horrible off the floor.


I was thinking the same thing! Either that or super tall counters!


May would make an excellent goblin wrangler.

Daniel Rydberg

Ah! I see. A hobgoblin to watch over and keep the goblin in line.


This will end well, I'm sure of it!


"Oh my god, *you're* Burgeroni!? ...so when are we getting those Dakis?"

Shawn K. Younkin

Awwwww.... Momo lays on the puppy eyes super thick in the second panel, Hanners is ready to hug her and Marigold is ready to buy her another body! XD XD




I knew it!

Ted Van Roekel

This is so much BETTER than I thought, and since I always know it's going to be awesome that's a high bar.


Oh no... or do I mean "oh yes"?

Dylan T

I feel like fighting goblins with goblins isn't the best idea

Gary Walker

Marigold is all of us.


Glizzy machines do leak someone's if the grease tray isn't cleaned properly.


“Someone with a history of embezzling...”

Bruce Steinberg

What a weird non sequitur at the end! Can’t imagine what hijinks May be about to ensue?!


The real question becomes 'Does Mari's bank account currently hold an amount equal to a jet fighter' or not



Doug DeJulio



Having worked in a convenience store for 2 years, I can tell you with absolute certainty that hot dog machines leak grease like crazy


we're all goblins at times.


Am I the only one that thinks this is a bad idea? May, despite how much I love her, doesn't strike me as someone who could handle money, schedules, and...um, PR.

Aaron Schulz

Maybe, but she would probably take it very seriously and has momo to keep her straight. She also would be good at internet PR of making goons back off as well as protecting her friend.

Randall Norman Pick

Okay May's not bad at chiding people but if manager calls for someone responsible, it's well, she'll need a manager to manage her managing.

Bill Hall

Why would hotdog machines leak? Because they were designed by SATANNN!!!

Evgeniy Semyonov

It's nice to see a local QC-verse variation of "It's gonna be May" meme. Updated version of "Just so typically May" also works. Any way - good for her!


You deserve good things May!

Grace Kieser

Here we are thinking we know what Jeph is going to do, and he's out here playing 4D chess with the characters!

Maria E.

Ohh... if May works for Marigold, that means May will make good money, and maybe May can (eventually) pay Sven back so they can resume sexy times without weirdness?

Shawn K. Younkin

Here is a serious question- how much would an AI just rely on internal programming to be a personal manager? I would think for an AI, something like this wouldn't be "that" hard for one (not including Melon - sorry Melon, you NEED to believe in numbers) Just set a bunch of alarms internally and if Marigold doesn't comply when it's time to do something just toss her around, it's not like she can really fight back against May, or threaten to schedule some really crappy tasks for her to do. LOL

Jaron Mortimer

Okay, if May is gonna end up being Mar-Bar's manager, then she is DEFINITELY gonna start selling tit pics.


Has anyone else noticed that May's brow hair extruders are running a little overtime? I mean, I think I see blue shrubberies growing there...

Sleepy John

Unless she's kneeling (for unspecified reasons), I expected May's new chassis would tower over the counter.


The old hot dog boiler trays could definitely leak. The "roll them sausages forever on heated metal rollers" machines, maybe you have to clean out the grease trays? That is, we hope someone does sometime.


What does that poster behind May say? Is it Hôt Gulp? Why would you need a straw for something hot? But if it's not hot, why is there vapor coming out of the straw?

Captain Button

Hot dog machine is leaking because Pintsize and Yelling Bird were using it for purposes not covered under the warranty.


oh my god


I loved Marigold's resigned acceptance.


This ought to be entertaining.



Ben Russell-Gough

This sort of matches the QC tradition of characters getting a better job more-or-less by accident (Marten, Dale and Penny being the most notable examples).


pretty sure that's an 'A' not an '^'. So "A hot Gulp" and at least hot chocolate I've often seen with a straw.


Hanners and Marigold are blasted by Momo's puppy face: the only thing that remains is stains of regret shaped in their likeness on the wall. Luckily, neither of them lets annihilation bring them down, and they're back at it again in the next frame.

Mystical Alexis

I’m getting the feeling that Jeph is building us toward a launch of his own vTuber team and honestly I’m okay with that.

Comics Ladybird

Big puppy eyes are in all likelihood standard humanoid AI body equipment, like blushing, but it takes the skills of Momo to properly pull it off. Huge tracts of eyebrow hair, on the other hand…


I'll go you one better Jeph, What would a hot dog machine leak?


That knowledge depends entirely on your willingness to know what goes into a gas station hot dog.

Chris Gallaty

In the future they skip the middle step and just load the grease into the hot dog machine in a bag so it can be auto extruded into a hot dog as needed. Less having to load dogs, but more prone to failure if the temp is off....


To ease some of your concerns; our gas station roller grill gets cleaned every day. The rollers themselves and then the tray underneath gets slid out and the paper pulled, wiped down, and then replaced with new grease paper.

Ben Russell-Gough

The real trick here will be convincing May that this is not some kind of bizarre prank.

Joseph Bonnar

This... Just this. THIS is why I support you gladly, Jeph. GLADLY!

Joseph Bonnar

Fawn, I've worked in a gas station, and I know just what goes into those hot dogs. Which is why I almost became a vegan.

David Durant

Interesting to see all the enthusiasm for this idea in here. Am I the only person who thinks this is a terrible idea? :-)

William Karr

David, in the real world this would definitely be a terrible idea... in the QC Verse, it’s a wait and see.


I also think it is a terrible idea. The person Momo is describing is Momo, really. Making Marigold eat KALE? She stands up to the goblin


YES!!!!! I love it!

Darnel D Cooper

I need to explain so I can walk away: May as Bussiness Manager? GREAT IDEA. Throughout the series May has shown serious intelligence coupled with infantile behavior - I realized was her growing up as she was released from "robotJail" and as she started to care about others around her she has a 100% success rate on good advice and doing the right thing for others while working to hide it behind crass crude behavior. Her intelligence appears to be off the charts, she's always bored and frustrated at having to follow rules that she sees ways around. She is coming back from believing that she is not worth knowing let alone liking or (dare I say this?)being loved,... and her interactions with Momo and the gamers have given her family. So,... putting a hyper intelligent AI in charge of running and protecting someone she cares about and sees as family? Hell yes.

Scott Kenney

That expression of May's is utterly perfect

Frank Wales

This plot twist is brought to you by... Big Popcorn, the secret cabal that's much less addictive than Big Pharma, as far as you know

Peter Jensen

What makes you think the enthusiasm isn't precisely *because* it's a terrible idea? :-)

Comics Ladybird

Oh and by the way: I just realized precedent for May being “willing to stand up to [Marigold] when [she’s] being a goblin” can be found *right here in the top banner for this very Patreon page*.


joe, thank you for not telling us!!! phew, i was worried there for a second.

Daryl Sawyer

Just a few days ago, I was thinking, "I'm not sure why I'm still reading QC. Momentum, I guess." LOL, this comic just added to that momentum.


I can't believe that's not butter... wait no, I believe it...

Yelling Bird