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She's not wrong




She is absolutely not wrong…

Terry Parry

I mean, she's not wrong....


The internet at large figured out where a flag was that could have been anywhere in the world by using the stars and aircraft contrails. Never underestimate the power of a large number of smart people with time.


Pintsize can force airdrop goatse to all the assholes phones

Michael Boettger

To be fair, Marigold, you're not wrong.


I'm sad about how right she is

Stéphane Lapie

The sad thing is, it's not even THAT far-fetched; it ain't paranoia when you're right


Fun to see Hanners as the rational one in a scenario!


She ain't wrong


If anything, her scenario doesn't even actually assume the worst.


Marigold it's wrong. But she needs to relax and breathe.


Being friends with somebody who got doxxed and faced extensive harassment, this is a big freaking oof

Grace Kieser

Marigold has lived on the internet her entire life. This is not a scenario, it's a gorram recounting of actual events!


This is *underplaying it.*


It's a terrifyingly plausible scenario tbh


Yeah, the internet can figure things out uncomfortably well when properly motivated, and horniness is sadly really good at motivating people.

Yelling Bird



"Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you."


Alternately--is it still paranoia if they really *are* out to get you?

Grace Kieser

I mean, someone tracked down Selena and murdered her in 1995. That's before the internet as we know it!

Brooks Moses

Also the time Tom Scott challenged people to figure out where he'd watched a recent eclipse from, based on some _very_ generic photos of midwest-U.S. surroundings with essentially no other data, was quite impressive. He had to reconstruct his location to centimeter accuracy to rank the top dozen or so entries: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGqEBvlmFAQ.


And it doesn't take long. Once the first name is figured out, it's game over.


Pintsize might *be* one of the assholes. Although, if he isn't, this would certainly be within his wheelhouse. Not sure it fixes anything, but retribution feels good sometimes.


The internet found that psycho cat and person killer from background information. And that was them using their powers for GOOD! Many people know what can happen in cases of doxxing and it's not pretty. Trust your instincts, Marigold.


RIP my first reddit account before I learned about infosec. Marigold's got the right idea, unfortunately.

Darnel D Cooper

oboy. well,... she is not wrong,......

Darnel D Cooper

Note to self: read comments before commenting.

David Johnson

Marigold has seen enough to know what's possible.


It's terrible that being a woman on the internet is rife with peril.


This is the anxiety I have from streaming, and I haven't fully even set up a channel yet.

Eric Lusby

Normally these scenarios are spiraling anxiety thoughts (I know from experience). But on the internet, especially for a woman? Marigold is being totally sensible.


Andy Warhol was wrong about everyone being famous for 15 minutes. It’s more like various degrees, strata, and caste of famous.

Todd Ellner

Actually pretty optimistic. The doxing, vicious sexual harassment, SWATTing, fake nudes, targeted insults and physical violence are all probable for a prominent woman on the Internet


And another quote- and very shirt-worthy saying from Marigold.


I hate that Marigold is not wrong. Because that means that’s her paranoia is justified and she has to be scared now and that’s just not fair to women in general. Goddamnit...☹️

Yonatan Zunger

Sorry, Hanners. Marigold is not just right about this, she's right in detail to the level a professional in the field would be. Source: am a professional in the field, alas.

Hugh Eckert

Marigold is wise.



Jason Zions

This is depressingly and maddeningly accurate.


Yeah, it sucks to say it but that scenario is all too plausible

Mad Marie

This. (Sadly)

Mad Marie

Also, Jeph: really fantastic work with the gradual zoom in to enhance the emotional dimension of her words. Nailed it!

Cole Blackblood

Sadly accurate for anyone putting themselves out in the world like that. Fans can get crazy


Nice conversation along with the death head


It's not paranoia if they're actually out to get you... And honestly, that was the biggest thing I've learned with transitioning. Being a woman is dangerous in this world, and right now the best hope is that someone else is an easier target


Have you guys seen the message boards about Jeph? OMG.


She's not wrong tho...


Yeah, the assumptions are a little low key, tbh.


I'm still a little bummed I missed out on getting an "Everything is Ruined Forever" shirt.


Hanners merely adopted the Internet; Marigold was born in it, molded by it. She didn't see the real world until she was already a woman. By then, it was nothing to her but blinding.


Man, if I was as concerned as Marigold seems to be, I wouldn't have even told my friends.


Hanners as the voice of reason. 🤣😬

Captain Button

She told her one friend who must know something about coping with wealth and avoiding public notice, since she is a daughter of billionaires who walks the public streets under her real name.


Marigold is right to be hyper concerned. Any woman who gains a following on the internet is bound to get a lot of weird shit in her life. And if she got doxxed? This is no minor worry.

Shane Wegner

Like I said in my last post about my streamer friend entering the witness protection program variant, this kind of thing happens. That one streamer doxxed my friend down to her street, and _despite not living in her part of the country, was seen in her neighborhood and was looking in her house's windows and stuff._ Even I don't know the full story, but I assume to get into the protection program there needs to be threats of violence too. So, yeah. A medium percentage will do the creepy things like saying they "love" streamers and the nudes requests and f knows what else, but a small percentage will take it even more inappropriately IRL. Brain cells can just go haywire and think "But this makes sense! We're in love! We're fated to be together, this is my birthright!! I'll kill anyone who gets in the way of my noble quest!!" People thinking they are right when they are not is a fascinating phenomenon. The depths of the internet is a scary phenomenon.

Ben Russell-Gough

Marigold speaks Jeph's angst about the on-line 'rando', I think. Still, you can't say that this is wrong. There are far too many freaks out there who can't control themselves and are very dangerous when they develop an obsession, positive or negative.


Yeah, that's realistic for sure.


And you're telling Hanners this???????

Stephen Wells

I would think Marigold was overthinking this, if this didn't literally happen to people :(

Joseph Bonnar

Marigold is right, sad to say. She's 100% correct.

Chris Crowther

Yeah. Marigold is 100% correct in this assumption.

Dean Reilly

She didn't even mention the inevitable flood of rape and death threats.

Dean Reilly

Marigold has 200K followers. If as few as 0.05% are potentially violent obsessives, that's still 100 dangerous nutcases.


Yeah she's being completely 100% rational when it comes to protecting your identity online from fucking weirdo creeps.

Comics Ladybird

Even if the scenario here is… oddly specific, I don’t think it’s a bad illustration of what can happen with a sufficiently large, unmediated audience.

David Durant

Agree with everyone else but just wanted to say - wow Jeph that close-up is a hella good piece of art


Marigold knows from the internets.


Doesn’t she have moles?


And thus that is how the Burger Oni was grilled!

Daryl Sawyer

All she really needed to say was, "remember when you first met Clinton? Now imagine having to deal with that every day. "


No, she's not wrong. (and I hate to bring up real world worries considering) The other concern is Swatting or Doxxing, as being a gamer can attract a-holes like that for any signs 'rejection' she might show.


"It's the internet. Always assume the worst." THIS is the line I need on a shirt.