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Does she not have her own friends?


Sounds reasonable


Play Station Vita Player Versus Player Senior Vice President... Oh it's random, nvm

Michael Boettger

If they only use Dora's list wouldn't the attendee distribution be a bit....lopsided?


Not even Marten made the list?

Andrea Andrew

I understand that Tai is chilled and easygoing, but she really needs to take this seriously. There has to be some friends of her that Dora hasn’t invited.


I mean, does she really have any close friends that aren't part of the group?


Isn't that how you call a cat?


There's no stress like wedding stress


Dora, maybe Tai doesn’t have people she wants to attend. Also, didn’t you want a small wedding?!

Byron Wright

Something tells me a lot of the people Tai could invite would have been fuck buddies she's had so she might not want them at the wedding to avoid awkward situations about it.

Bryan Freehan

Yesterday, I thought I'd be Dora. But today I realize I'd totally be Tai. "Mom, sis, nephew... And the partner's guest list" sounds so fitting. 🤣

Andrew L Butula

Nope, or at least she didn't when she started hanging out with Martin et al. IIRC she said she had hookups and acquaintances but no close friends at college.

Dylan T

...Who *would* I have invited back when I was engaged? ...Am I Tai?


Oh my geez, effing guest lists.


That's why Sally and I eloped!

Chas Simmons

Yes, that's probably the author's point. Tai, like a bunch of the people who join into this social group, doesn't have many other friends as such. Only the women she slept with back in the dorm, who may not be appropriate guests.

Shawn K. Younkin

TBF... Tai ain't going wrong here.

Yelling Bird



The comic number is missing the first digit

Aaron Schulz

I like the individual characters a ton but them as a couple has never seemed fun for me. Not sure why.

Eric Lusby

I kinda want to meet Tai's parents, just because she's one of the more major characters whose family we haven't encountered yet. Well, we only met Marigold's dad briefly (I hope his lack of understanding what steampunk is turned out okay...)


Just put Marten, Momo and Claire on your list, Tai

Andrew L Butula

It does seem like a venn diagram of Tai's friends and Dora's friends is a circle.

Brooks Moses

No years-long prelude-to-relationship while most of the commenters are shipping them? No major drama or complications that they have to get through together, at least not shown in the comic? There really hasn't been a lot of "story" to their relationship on-screen in the comic. It's like they looked at each other and said, "You know, if we date *each other* we can just be *secondary characters* and have a relationship that's out of the blast radius of the plot fairy! Doesn't that sound nice and calm and lovely?"


That's smart, though. Short guest lists run the risk of offending people who don't make the cut. But if you're literally only inviting your parents, no one should be offended, because you'd have to be really arrogant to think you should be more important to someone than their parents (assuming they have a good relationship with their parents, which it seems that Tai does).

Ben Russell-Gough

Long-term readers will recall that, when Tai was first being introduced (this was before Marten and Dora broke up), she didn't have many friends and had been in a relationship that could have been interpreted as 'abusive'. I suspect that Tai has very few people outside of the friend group into which Dora included her to invite.

Shane Wegner

The manual copy instinct checks out for a librarian (or literally, "librarian's head assistant" I guess)


i guess she really doesn't have anyone else, does she... kinda feel bad for her.


To be fair, Steampunk can be very confusing to the uninitiated!


I don't recall the "abusive" part? I remember Martin and Steve barged in on her hooking up with a professor, who subsequently offered them a bowl. Also, Martin helped her prepare for a date by teacher her to tie someone up. And I think there was a woman she was flirting with right before the start of a light-switch rave? Someone help me out with any I'm forgetting.


Although Tai predates Emily in the strip, "Oh lord, we've adopted another one." https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2298

Stephen Wells

Canonically she has "casual acquaintances and ex-fuckbuddies": https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2267

Darnel D Cooper

......... I actually feel sad for Tai,.... go figure.

David Durant

Why? She has a ton of friends, they're just Dora's friends too. Why do people need to have friends that are exclusive from their partners?


When I got married, I could have done the small guest list. Immediate family, grandparents, like 2-3 friends, done. I moved around a lot as a kid! husband's family had been there since the friggin frontier days or something so in comparison it seemed everyone in a 10-mile radius was an important family friend. When we gave up and got a bigger venue I mostly filled it with the rest of my mom's family.

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

Ditto here, and half my friends couldn't come. I think I had six friends who came (if you count spouses) aside from the two who were actually *in* the wedding party. Hell, half my groomsmen were her relatives.

Darnel D Cooper

I need to whine about a wedding. My best friend from Junior high thru High school was finally getting married and I was at a mission-critical billet in Hawaii, (sigh, a story by itself.), so I couldn't go. I asked my wife to go in my stead and she took our toddler and went. My friend was so grateful that my wife who he had never met showed up to represent that it was all heard from him when I finally could visit him roughly two years later. The whine my regret at not being able to move heaven and Earth for this guy,.... we both had a lot of people who knew us, but could both only count friends on one hand. I think its sad when you can't have real friends becuase of the selfish or petty nature of others. (Whine over)