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remember these two?



Michael Boettger

I was just thinking "Wonder how the wedding planning going?"

Aditya Rameshan

Love the friends reference, lmao

Joel Bateman

Hmmm...I wanna say one runs some sort of Cafe and the other is..a book keeper?? 🤔


Has Tai always had a nose piercing and I'm just noticing now, or is that a new development?


Oh wow, I forgot all about some of our *original* cast.


My plan is to not have a wedding but just a reception that has a cover to cover the open bar a bit and no gift please

Celine Chamberlin

I could use a nice dose of Tai and Dora. Just as long as they don't break up. Please say they won't break up. I need them to stay together. Please.


I'm curious who she has that she would reasonably put in the 'No' column. It seemed like she'd made up with Sven, she's reconciled with Faye, and she's cordial with Marten and Tai would absolutely want her two main employees there anyway. I could maybe think of Raven who she was pals with and worked there but they don't hang out anymore, I mean its been years in our time and at least months in-comic time


I'm sure she's known people not depicted in the comic. Just about her entire family, for example.


I went to one friend's wedding reception that was basically a bonfire and burgers in her parents back yard. Was low-key, fun (which surprised me a little considering the bride was the only person I knew), and didn't leave them starting out in debt.


I’d be lying if I said my wife and I hadn’t considered it...

Grace Kieser

Dora's years of food service experience are serving her well! Salmonella is no joke!


Last weekend I was the photographer for my best friend's wedding where they did just that! It was basically an outdoor reception party briefly interrupted by a 10 minute wedding. The strict rule of "No Gifts!" was promulgated. But there was significant pushback. So the rule was modified: "No Gifts! (Unless they are consumable.)" The bar was overflowing with great wine, beer and liquor. Strange that nobody brought a box of Goldfish crackers for the kids...


It's been a while. What's Steve up to these days?

Merle Blue

If they're not doing it, then I need to steal the idea (post pandemic).


I've been to the wedding (well the rehearsal dinner--I was a kid) where the entire wedding party got food poisoning because the MoB let the green bean casserole sit out for WAY too long. Nothing like a green-around-the-gills wedding party. 40+ years later, I still won't eat green bean casserole. Bad omen for the marriage. Bride left the groom a few years later with her kids from previous marriage that he had adopted. Real piece of work that one.


Tai hears potluck and doesn’t make a pot joke? I hardly recognise her!


Book keeper like gambling? No... that’s not it... wait wait, maybe a place where they keep books? Do we still have those?


Is Tai getting taller?


honestly I forgot who Dora was for a second.

Joseph Bonnar

It's like what's his name, who lives with Mommymilker's daughter. And that evil little robot, halfpintsize... *ducks*

Yelling Bird



New characters?


Dora <3

Grace Kieser

She strikes me as the kind of person to call it weed or bud. Pot is more of an 80s or 70s word!

Shane Wegner



My Ex and I did a potluck wedding. Quite a nice event, very affordable (and not the reason for being an ex LOL)


as long as she invited those crazy aunts/grannies Sven was talking about a loooong time ago ("I think she actually killed a man") I'm good

Simon Green

Plus, you don't win friends with salad.


At first I mixed up Dora with Cosette

Matthew Foweraker

You know that’s not a terrible idea.


"everyone got food poisoning and threw up still the best wedding i've been too. 10/10"


wait, who are these people?


Totally did the potluck wedding reception! But, folks agreed to bring their fanciest, favorite finger food on a silver platter so we knew what was coming, didn't need forks and my dad's cousin made sure nobody got poisoned! It was awesome! About to celebrate our 20th!


It's weird seeing Tai bend *down* to kiss Dora. Also, are those Friends episodes?

Lars Gottlieb

Just communicate ppl; it's not that hard. "Did someone plan to bring xx? if not, we'll take that one", or better, make a list ..


Throwing rice - wedding tradition. Throwing up - not so much...

Lenore J Jones

That's my kind of wedding. I'm hoping to go to a backyard wedding this October, if it seems safe by then.

Darnel D Cooper

(reading comments) "You guys got jokes" LOL On topic: My wedding was planned by my wife and her childhood friend/cousin and then our parents started throwing stuff in. We were told it was on us to begin with, but my father the minister got use of a chapel in her hometown, her mom decided that since we were inviting family, family were tasked to bring what they were best at, so the caterer only brought the cake, My new brother in law rented a honeymoon suite and a car for us to drive back my duty station three states away, and all we really had to do was show up. Ah I forgot,... the stories of my bad bachelor habits of not having a matching bowl, plate, cup or silverware, one pot, one frying pan, one mixing bowl and not knowing what a colander was - most of our wedding gifts were complete kitchen sets - the expensive stuff,... it took a decade to use it all. Sigh. The horrors of finding the one.


The last wedding I was invited to was potluck and celebrated outside in the couples small garden. Best wedding party I ever attended. I did not bring salad, and my marinated eggplant did not give anybody food poisoning - it might have killed every vampire in the neighbourhood...

Evgeniy Semyonov

Russian weddings would argue with that. Given how much everyone is obligated to drink.


You don't make nuptuals with salad.


This needs a "How it started / How it's going" page...


Including Tai in the original cast is stretching the definition a bit, although of course there's been a lot of water under the bridge since #691.


Oh hi new characters! I wonder what their names are and what their VTuber avatars look like


You just need to do a catering wedding list so people can organize

Ben Russell-Gough

So, on to the last major plot arc involving the original cast. Question - Is Dora growing her hair out to be elaborately styled on the big day?


I don't think they're actual episodes but that was the format of them. I'm not a big fan of Friends, I've seen a bunch of episodes in the background when my house mates were really into it and didn't find it very funny but for some reason I find it hilarious to see it referenced in QC

Comics Ladybird

Mimi and Thea’s wedding in Girls with Slingshots (one of the higher points, if not the highest, of the strip’s whole run) wasn’t exactly potluck, but in the same spirit: large guest list because it’s in a wide open space anyway, and “think of it as a show everyone is putting out for us”; I appreciated the message of rethinking societal expectations.

Mark Hechim

I had a potluck wedding. It was fine.

Todd Ellner

We didn't do a potluck wedding, but we made a bunch of the food, picked up what we didn't from the caterers, and did our own setup and takedown. It saved a lot of money.

Hugh Eckert

Knowing some of Tai's friends, it could be The One Where Everyone Got Dosed.


That sounds a lot like ours. Mom and Grandmas made the cake and the food (both of my grandmothers were excellent cooks and bakers), church was a little one in town that none of us attended but we had something of a business relationship with, and hubby's brothers and dad chipped in for a nice hotel and limo. Guests were almost entirely family with a couple of random college and work friends tossed in. It was a good day, and fairly low-stress.

Matt Pedone

Editing the guest list is so difficult. I made the tough choice of leaving off three of my close friends from high school who I'd kind of grown apart from. The kicker was that I reconnected with one of them right before the wedding - my best man even invited him to the Bachelor Dinner he threw for me (that was a little awkward, but he seemed cool with it). I've since reconnected with all of them, and not inviting them is, well, one of only two things I would change about our wedding. (The other would have been to have our DJ play "Word Crimes" instead of "Blurred Lines". Oh, what could have been!)


Quaker weddings are traditionally potlucks. We solved the "but what if everyone brings a sallad?" problem by ordering non-wedding catering to supplement the potluck table. Doesn't really fix the food poisoning risk though. I'm kinda surprised that hasn't been a thing.

Mark P.

I think because everyone knows who brought what by the style of the food and the containers and you don't want to be the one who poisoned the guests. "Oh you ate *Karen's* potato salad."