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you're doing great, honey




"cult-adjacent" XD


C'mon girl, don't scare the poor boy


If that's what a healthy baseline for a relationship looks like, I want one of those.

Thomas Halpin

Look, some exams just go better if you sacrifice some sanguine to them.


It's going about as well as one can hope. Hooray!

Eric Sieck

Dan seems like a good boy.


Went to engineering school. i won't confirm or deny anything.


Cult-adjacent seems like a really good description of most engineering programs.

Erin Moriarty

I'm so proud 😭😭😭


I'm wondering why Renee hasn't been in a lot of relationships

Michael Boettger

Renee!! Down!! He seems like a perfectly likeable guy, who is willing to meet you more than half way, set responsibilities for the two of you in a good faith attempt to make this work. OTOH, the cult adjacent stuff may be a teensy bit worrisome, but Dora got roped into something like that too, and she turned out okay.


Yeah engineering schools aren't like they used to be in the 40's.


I love them so much. Dan's chill is a perfect complement to Renee's unchill.


Renee is sooooooo nervous. It's cute! (To me, it's cute! If I were Dan I might be getting tetchy.) Luckily the actual Dan doesn't seem to be getting tetchy at all.

Captain Button

You'll never get a good fortress foundation that way.


I cut myself working on a PC once…

Brooks Moses

Eh, if he can't handle her at this level of freakout, she might as well find out now rather than later.

Simon Green

We never made blood sacrifices but we did put a lot of fingers on the line. 'What's the most expensive component on this circuit we just built? That one? OK' Put finger on expensive part and flip power switch. If finger begins to hurt, immediately flip power switch off again.

Simon Green

Mid-90s PC cases were just boxes of knives with a computer in the middle.

Jason Zions

Just what kind of Engineer is he? ME, EE, ChE, CE, all shed blood at one time or another. Computer people... well... Abhayakara just 'splained that one. Oh, yeah, blood sacrifice is still required by the Engineering Gods.


No blood sacrifices? How did Shitty Dan get through engineering lab classes without blood sacrifices? Wait. Is Shitty Dan a "Sanitation Engineer"?

Timothy Mann

My wife and I started dating after our HS reunion. I was living about 6 hours away by car. I visited her about once every 4-6 weeks. But we could have really used these last few strips as a guide. (The relationship is on about 17 years, didn’t relocate until we married after 4 years.) Though she and I still don’t agree on what a reasonable time to reply to a text is...


He's being unreasonably good about this.

Timothy Mann

One rule we had was we talk every night. And if we get into a fight we don’t go to bed. We talk through it until we’re ok. We had quite a few sleepless nights.


I keep thinking Renee and Dan might be the alternate story arc we didn't see with Faye and Angus.

Creepy Cat Lady

oof, if someone came at me with prescribing a reasonable amount of time to reply to a text, I'd be out right away. I have a life separate from my phone and I might not even see a text for hours if I'm in the middle of a project (and I can't hear the notification sound over some of the tools I use). I hate the idea of someone expecting me to be sitting on-call constantly.

Jaron Mortimer

Nah man, he's Cool Dan. He's just seeing how it goes. Although Renee, hon, a reasonable amount of time to return a text is "as soon as I can get to it". That's getting into controlling territory, and you only just started.


Sometimes the daemon needs something extra to prevent a complete system meltdown. That's what the goat is for. It's all about being prepared.


I'm also not a fan of this level of dependency

Alacrity Fitzhugh

If you don't reply to my text five minutes before I send it, then WE'RE DONE!


Renee...! I too feel nervous about how involved this is all becoming and now I really really really really really really want to see them kiss again and just look happy for a second


Academia isn't a cult. Cults provide a sense of belonging.

Darnel D Cooper

LOL "Anymore" Well I for one am glad that they have come to the 21st Century. (Now if only they cut back on the summoning glyphs and programing circles,.... maybe stop praying to Finangle and Murphy,...)

Darnel D Cooper

On "Reasonable time to reply to text?" I suggest if it's time-critical YOU CALL. Nothing more annoying than being up to your elbows in a cursed machine and getting your chops busted for not immediately answering a text about "what do you want for dinner?" Dearheart,.. if you are feeding me I DON'T CARE BECAUSE YOUR COOKING IS ALL GOOD. (Sorry,... a flashback to a happier time,.... even her horrible, terrible, supposedly uneatable mistakes were good.)

Kurist Zero

I'm really enjoying how 'Shitty Dan' has turned out to be one of the least shitty and nicest guys in the comic (so far at least)

Shane Wegner

I was just thinking “Shitty Dan is definitely Mature and Reasonable Good Sport Dan”.

Shane Wegner

I’m starting to feel a slight flux between Healthy Assertiveness and Pushy. It’s breaking out on the Healthy Assertion side though, as long as it doesn’t metastasize.

Christopher Burke

I thought she was indeed looking for trouble last time questioning why he was being so cool, but calling him out for not denying cult membership is just being savvy.

Daryl Sawyer

Renee basically lives on that boundary. It's the reason some of us were uncomfortable with the kind of help she gave Brun after the fire.


His school has clearly gone soft. We still did things the old fashioned way at mine.

Ben Russell-Gough

By 'blood sacrifice' he is referring to practical lessons in the tool shop.

Zain Redding

Anyone that can use cult-adjacent in casual conversation is ok in my book.

Shane Wegner

I was a Navy Chief. There were some cult-adjacent activities along the way.


and agreeing on a minimum time spent each month playing magic the gathering. Don't forget that one.

Ben Russell-Gough

Also, relationships in the armed forces have 'long-distance' sort of written into the terms of reference


Does Dan wear his Iron ring? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Ring

Ben Russell-Gough

To me, a lot of Renee's defensive/neurotic behaviours in this scene have screamed to me that she has had a LOT of bad hook-ups.


Engineers! The bane of my existence. I'm an electrician.


Again, 'agree on', not 'unilaterally set a limit'.

Evgeniy Semyonov

I love how most comments are "Ha-ha, engineering does seem like a cult! But, for real, who hadn't sacrificed some blood now and then in the process?"


Can you be truly invested in anything if there isn't the occasional blood sacrifice?

David Howe

Sure but its important not to let past crappy relationships poison new ones before they start.

Yelling Bird


Thomas A. Dennis

Heinleinology probably doesn't even count, it's just assumed.


The Rituals And Superstitions Involved In The Black Arts Of Electromagnetic Theory do not count. Now if you will excuse me, I must sacrifice an LM324 to the ESD gun before my next precertification trial.

Some Ed

It's my guess that Dan is one of those people who doesn't consider it a blood sacrifice unless it's someone else's blood. It's the only way it makes any sense. I mean, I've talked with some sanitation engineers, and I'm really unnerved by how much they indicated their profession is not an exception from this engineering rule.


They really should release a special edition of Griffiths' Electrodynamics that is bound in skin and has a face on the cover

Ruth Merriam

Am married to a Chemical Engineer. Specifics matter, mostly. Dan is made of the most awesome laid-backness ever and I'm sailing this ship around the world.

Clifton Royston

This is almost a healthy baseline for a relationship. What we need to see later is Dan freaking out about something and Renee being super calm and level-headed, which we know she can do with Brun. *That's* a healthy relationship, and it's how my wife and I function together most of the time. Seriously, there was a major psychological study on long-term marriage/relationship outcomes, and they found the #1 predictor of a long-term happy relationship was whether each of the members would become calmer if the other one was getting angry or emotionally upset, rather than getting wound up themselves. It has to go both ways to fully work.


SHHHHHHH! That shit could get you demoted to level 3A. And me too for warning you!