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trains are good



Michael Boettger

Great tie-in to infrastructure week!


Renee is adorable


Take the W Renee

Jackie Horn

Shitty Dan has literally all of the chill that everyone else is missing.

Lost Paragon

I wish my SO was a train ride away. They have it good

Scott Vogel

Train infrastructure can always be improved no matter where you live.

Ted Van Roekel

Lighten up and enjoy Renee!

Jaron Mortimer

Ahh yeah, that glorious sense of "this is going too well" creeping in to turn everything to shit. Don't look this gift Cool Dan in the mouth, Renee!


Shitty Dan is officially my favorite character.

Alex Kosnett

I am so here for a deep dive into smart infrastructure when we meet the AI who operates their train.

Eric Sieck

I just realized, is “the city” supposed to be Boston? Because I could’ve sworn it’s always been used in QC to mean New York, but light rail from Northampton to NYC wouldn’t make sense to talk about.


Trains. Are. The best.


All this infrastructure talk has me waiting for the crossover between QC and the “Well, There’s Your Problem” podcast.

Yelling Bird


Hugh Eckert

Renee, the "catch" is that you think there has to be a catch. Relax and be good to yourself. Or let Dan be good to you. Both.


Honestly, the best most satisfying decisions I’ve made in my life have been split second—almost reflex like reactions.


Train good, car bad.



Erin Moriarty

Sentient AI but shit public transit is the most Big City US state of existence


i love light rail...


AI Trains will only lead to Blaine the Mono during the odd QC / Alice Grove Jephverse synthesis.


I like to think that the light rail is actually super good but shitty Dan spent some time in Europe. Going through 3+ countries in an hour makes most rail systems look bad


Renee.... I very much relate to all the doubt but breathe and try to enjoy for a minute. ❤️


Alice and Liam will look quiet and respectful compared to Pintsize and Yelling Bird.

Yonatan Zunger

Honestly, good rail infrastructure is harder than AI in a lot of ways. Miles and miles of materials in unpredictable weather conditions that have to keep working, engines with duty cycles too high for regular maintenance...


My marriage is pretty much thanks to light rail infrastructure and spontaneity so after 20 years of being together and 12 years of marriage, this story rings some bells. I could do with a lot of that chill Dan has, tho ❄️


Okay but how Culture-y are the light rail AIs


AI Singular, they keep muttering about their "Model Trains"


I'm now picturing Blaine, but with Pintsize's face, and may never sleep again.


Ugh I live in upstate NY (actual upstate) and get real annoyed when people refer to NYC as "the city". I live in a city and people still do that. We're as close to Boston as we are to NYC. Also making me peeved: people calling anything north of NYC "upstate".


Trains /are/ good :D

drone r0m-3

Of course infrastructure is still shitty. *Sighs*


There WILL be some magic the gathering in it for you in the future. Like, a lot


To be fair, some of those countries you ride a bike through in an hour (Yes, there is also good bike path infrastructure. Yes, Europeans are smug about that too)

Darnel D Cooper

(Open Laughter) On poor Renee,... She has been burned or rejected often enough to not know what to do about being accepted at face value. Dan will be very good for her. My only mild concern for this fictitious couple is that Dan doesn't scare her away by being just right for her. I know folk, (knew), who can't handle someone who gives a sh*t about them w/o strings outside of family. They bounce around like a ball in a small room trying to find the flaws. (I'm probably typing this wrong.) Anyway, I hope she calms down.


I can see this relationship going off the rails. Maybe drive instead?


I think this will end up with Renee going to live with Dan. Brun goes to live with Millefeuille. Elliot and Clinton has sex at Elliot’s place while Yay babysits Hercules at Roko’s place. Steve is guest on Aurelia’s stream talking about breakfast. His virtual avatar is a horse boy.


If we could just put some damn money in it like we do in AI...! But no, trains aren't Sexy enough, even when Chuck Tingle writes them...

Joseph Bonnar

Trains are good? No. Dogs are good. :P


The "catch" is that Dan has a job that forces him to travel a lot, that he has found his social circle after college dwindle, that he has had difficulties in building a new one, that he low key misses his geeky teenage years and that Reene was the first person in years to make moves on him (that he noticed), that he really enjoys to be part of Reene's life and the genuine connections she has with the people around her, that he actually enjoys her, that they have chemistry and that she did everything right in building trust and communicating desire. Reene has earned herself a good relationship, is what I'm saying.


Sorry, Renee, sometimes it really is just that simple.


As a train driver by trade, I fear my own obsolescence which I know to be hurtling towards me. Please, exalted Technocrats, I only need 23 more years.


Well, BART has been running in automatic since the 70s...and they still have operators to handle problems and close doors. I've stayed as much as possible on the historic equipment that lacks computer interfaces. But yes, the writing is on the wall, humans out of the driver's seat. Train attendant and troubleshooter.


once again, ℌ𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔰𝔬𝔪𝔢 𝔇𝔞𝔫𝔦𝔢𝔩 proves he is the boyfriend Renee deserves.


The AI’s are perhaps worried if they make the trains run on time they’ll be called Fascists?

Ben Russell-Gough

That suggests to me that 'long-distance' is a bit of a euphemism. If Dan thinks of the travel as being a daily commute, they're probably going to be an hour or so's rail journey from each other tops.

Evgeniy Semyonov

Well, he can still be a serial killer, and the reason he doesn't currently have a girlfriend is that he murdered the last one. No one explicitly asked him about that.

Daniel Blom Paulsen

Conspiracy theory: Dan has been using his Magic cards - which turn out to be actually magic in the QC universe - to steal all of the chill from the rest of the cast. Whether that's a catch or not ...


I can absolutely see the trains still being garbage no matter how smart our computers get tho.


It's just under 2 hours driving or about 4 hours via public transport to get to boston from northampton.


As someone who second-guesses EVERY SINGLE THING all the time: Don't do that, Renée, that's usually how you ruin good things T_T


Dan's level of chill if over 9000! he broke the scouter!


Awesome Dan


The unreasoning hatred that the new light rail in my city gets from some people irritates me, but there's very much the mindset It's New, So I Hate It!

Summer Sudbrink

The catch can't be revealed until your guard is down.

Ben Russell-Gough

"The catch is that, if this works out, I may have to ask you to marry me."

Chase the Dragon

"They have sentient A.I. but trains are still garbage." 'This is America' starts playing in my head.


There is no catch. That is why he is a catch


Living in central Indiana, I’d take A TRAIN. Like, I just want basic mass transit, is that so much to ask?!

Derrik Pates

As someone else whose brain anxiously and needlessly dissects everything, this is true. Also, SSRIs helped me stop doing that (well, _as much_)...


Time get for our favorite doctor living in space to get that ball rolling too

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

Living in Central Pennsylvania, I'd like to see train service come back. It used to be, when my grandparents were in their 30s, they could get on a train in town in the morning, spend all day in Pittsburgh, and be back home before midnight. They could go damn near anyplace in the state, for that matter. Now, the closest a passenger train comes is an hour and a half's drive away, and it costs more than a full day's pay to get anywhere, assuming they stop anywhere you actually want to go.

Clifton Royston

Dan brings up train infrastructure and maintains his steely cool. Steely Dan.