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Because Cosmo is a good puppy.


Oof, that backhanded burn by Clementine about Claire & Clinton’s complaints about her cuisine. They’ll both be needing the aloe.


I agree, cooking for one is no fun.


I love Cosmo's nose poking up from the bottom of the frame


A mother I’d like to feed


I have never asked or even really thought to ask but ... why does Clinton have one robot hand?

Jennifer Doyle

Clinton, your mother is an adult - not just your mom!

Mandy Hoskins

Can confirm, I live alone and I eat far more takeout than I should.

Michael Boettger

Especially with the pandemic and all. Delivery minimizes exposure. It's probably pretty okay if you watch what you get.


Make Cosmo the new protagonist

Michael Boettger

I think Clinton is a bit worried that mom is becoming socially isolated as well, what with Claire and him engaging in their own lives.

Bruce Steinberg

Who's the best pointy girl? 💛🐶💛


oh i love everyone in this comic

Sleepy John

Cosmo’s dinner must be WORTHY.

Cole Blackblood

Welp, I'm having feelings now. Also, can confirm - cooking for one can be really depressing.


How long ago was this grocery trip, anyway?

William Karr

Sometimes I miss cooking for one, you could be extremely creative in what you did. Or you meal prepped extremely well. Or both.

Simon Green

So can eating out. Worst meal I ever had was in the restaurant of a 5-star hotel in Kuala Lumpur. Over there visiting regional head office for several weeks on a work trip. It's middle of the week, about 7pm. I am the ONLY person in the restaurant, and am thus engaged by the entire wait staff who have performed a pincer maneuvre and completely surrounded me. Approximately every 30 seconds I am asked if everything is to my satisfaction and is there anything they can get for me. No, everything is NOT to my satisfaction and what you can get me is some goddamn breathing space. The food was fine. After that I learned to take a book to read.


Yeah... As much as I like cooking, I *hate* cooking for one

Gary Walker

Maybe I am weird, or possibly getting old, but there's something deeply satisfyingly pure about Mrs. Augustus I would defend that woman with my life.

James Cooper

Hell now that I think about it, I'm a bit worried. Lives alone with a dog, little scatterbrained, has enjoyed the reefer. All we know is that she is never seen in a background and the kiddos have moved out and getting their own lives. I hope she makes some friends and we see her out and about at times.

Thomas Halpin

I love watching Clinton and Claire try to reason with their mother

Alex Kosnett

I’ve had this exact conversation with my mom, who’s basically a cartoon programmer and just spends her days crushing soda/tea/coffee, ordering food delivered, coding, watching Turkish soap operas, and riding her bike. And after our dogs sublimed, she started cooking for the neighborhood fox. She’s doing OK, maybe.

Darnel D Cooper

It's all good,.. his mom is not a shut-in, she has scheduled *ahem* booty calls and a life separate from her kids. In fact, I dare say Cosmo has tied her closer to home.


During COVID I've turned cooking for one into an art. My omlettes and frittatas are especially wicked.


Let others cook for once! She can serenade them with a heavy bass groove.


The thing is, I _love_ cooking for myself. I love cooking for one. Nobody second-guesses me. Nobody's critical of what I did except me. No one is like, "Oh, that's WEIRD." I get to make ALL THE THINGS and nobody stops me.

Grace Kieser

Wait, Cosmo is a girl!?


On a chromebook in my lap I'm watching live video from Manitoba of the aurora borealis and it suddenly went black so I thought the world had ended and I was typing a quick goodbye but then the video came back on so now I guess we're good...


You make the food, Clinton


What a good pup.

Ian Wolfe

Not only is cooking for one not fun, it's all around a pain in the arse. Very few recipes are geared for single servings and regular recipes are challenging to scale down that far. To say nothing of the fact that the majority of cookware isn't sized for single serving meals, which just acerbates the problem. You either get lots of leftovers overrunning your fridge, or you end up eating lots of sandwiches, cereal, and frozen dinners.


And supermarkets! Even in the produce section, they frequently don't sell a carrot, but a whole bag of them - most of them will wilk if you cook for one with them. Or even for two....


In-universe time, about 2-3 hours. In terms of when we would have seen it happen, about a month.


The vet at the shelter called her 'she'. https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3881


I lived with someone for a while who would watch critically how much Parmesan I would add to my pasta. I don't quite laugh maniacally these days when I add a generous amount, but I come close :-)


I'd date her if not for that darned Fourth Wall!


Can confirm, I don't really like to cook (since I didn't get into it before moving out, yes, that's my own fault) but even my mom, who moved out from my dad a few years ago says she doesn't like to cook for only herself, so she invites me for card games and dinner almost every Sunday. We had takeout yesterday, though.


While you're probably not wrong, I assumed he meant "don't you have anything else in the house that we could turn into a 3-person dinner?"

Sarah Buisson

I still have this impression that Clinton thinks it's normal for his mum to cook for him a meal she won't even eat herself.


I just don't like him. He seems very self-entitled. And I want to return to Brun and Millie. 2 frames of talking about Clinton's Mom making/not making food for him seems a bit much.

Stephen Wells

I'm genuinely wondering how high Mrs Augustus has been this entire afternoon :) Also, Clinton, learn to f'ing cook already. You put food in a hot pot and then take it out and eat it, it is not that difficult.


cosmo=ollie+shelby prove me wrong


Clinton & his mother both look like they are the exact same age.


Elliot can bake, but can he cook? Maybe it’s his time to shine!


Oh God! "Hello dear possible future son-in-law. I'd love to welcome you to dinner, but unfortunately it's ruined. I'm very distressed about this." "Don't you worry, possible future mother-in-law. I will magic up a complete meal out of basic stock ingredients, proving both my skills, my nurturing side and thus my worth as spouse to your offspring." Elliot might just as well start baking the wedding cake right away.


Counterpoint: Elliott gets flustered and burns down the house.

David Durant

Oh god, now I'm got a reskinned version of Overcooked in my head staring Claire and Clinton (or Marigold and Momo or... so many options actually)