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Grace Kieser

Cosmo is still the goodest boi!


I feel like Jeph drew on experience here.


Gotta be careful with food when doggos are around.


Bad boy Cosmo.


I agree that Cosmo is smart doggo :3

Sleepy John

When this is public, it's getting shared to all my FB dog groups :)


All doggos are the best doggo, even the scavengers.


My sister has a Rhodesian Ridgeback who will do the same thing. Really intelligent dog who is almost too smart to train.

Michael Boettger

Do they have Doordash or something like that in the QCverse? If so, no problem. And Cosmo? Hope you don't get a bellyache.


Those are very short shorts.


That's totally Cosmo-logical...

Andrew L Butula

My friends have a blue heeler-lab mix whose the same way. She knows what you're telling her to do, she'll usually do it, but she wants you to know it's her choice.


My dog would eat everything that is a vegetable. Well... He would eat everything that's not a vegetable too...

Ted Van Roekel

I've had 14 pound terriers do that. Oh the mess...


My parents have a havanese who will get into their groceries and nibble a hole in the bread then hollow it out so it doesn't look like they got into anything.


Our Newfoundland was a serious counter surfer, and managed to consume 3kg of cooked chicken meat and 2 freshly baked greek pastries without disturbing any other items that were also on the kitchen counter. It was such a surgical strike that we didn't know he'd done it, just that the food had disappeared, until we noticed that he spent the rest of the day in a food coma.

Joseph Bonnar

Cosmo is GOOD pointy boi!


Never put groceries where a dog can get them. There is nowhere you can put groceries that a cat can't get to them, you just have to hope that doing anything to them is beneath them (after all, why attack the food on the counter when you have servants to serve it to you).


That was an expensive lesson on dogs.

Gary Walker

A bulldog would have eaten the veggies.

Dylan T

Good long boi


Wait, what? We're going straight to the "over for dinner" part of the story? I thought for sure we'd have at least a week of Steve eating cereal first.


Clinton is wearing booty shorts for his “take his potential boyfriend to meet the family” date.


I get the sense that Clinton's mom is a bit spacey.


Meanwhile our dog let 3lbs of ground beef that got mixed in with the rabbit bedding right next to where he sleeps go bad. 3 days, and the humans noticed it before he did

Magic Chopstick Games

Our Bernedoodle ate a stick of butter yesterday, an indulgence for which we are both still paying 💩


Clinton looks at the audience with a womp womp.


Wait. Wait wait wait. You can't just say things like this without giving us the rest of the story. How did the ground beef get mixed in with the rabbit bedding?


I’m fortunate that my cat only wants the finest of wet cat food.

Doug DeJulio

That is a mom who knew from the start that her boy would pick "bad news" first.

Chris Gallaty

Scavenger? That's going right in for the kill if you ask me.


Mine, too. The two foods she begs for most are celery and lettuce, but she'll grab anything that hits the floor.


Our Black Lab once ate an entire stick of butter, went into the attic, and vomited all over the carpet right before we went on vacation. That was fifteen years ago. The stain is still there.

Brian Leahy

Surely, you're eventually going to show us what happens when Claire drinks her tea?


It was the will of the cosmos

Bruce Steinberg

MAugustus is approaching peak chill. :)

Sarah Buisson

Why should she cook in the first place? Please tell me its not for a date between Elliot and Clinton ? Seriously who make his own mother cook for his date ?


Bad dog. Eat your veggies.


I don't think that Clinton could make his mom (Chloe? Clementina? Cleopatra?) do anything. Also, this is the woman who insisted on making pancakes for Marten when they first met https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2804 and fed Brun cookies at 1am to get her to stay https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3713 so I imagine that she was not unwilling to make dinner for the three of them.

Melissa Smits

Ahhh, pet life. I made bagels for someone in my bubble and they thought it'd be hilarious to let my cat sniff around in the bag...both my cats eat bread if it's left out. So my tabby had a little munch of a blueberry bagel.

David Howe

Had a cat AND a dog that would fight over cheese. Meat? meh, if it's there. prawns? sniff then try to bury. Lump of cheddar? dog better get its fool nose outta there before it gets sliced....


This is one reason I don't want pets even though I love dogs and cats


Seeing the mess I would be mad, but as soon as I saw cosmo it would melt away and I would be left petting her.


Although IIRC the vet broke the news that Cosmo is a she. (How damn hairy is that dog if they couldn't tell?)


Our greyhound is basically a short haired self propelled vacuum cleaner / food disposal device with an inbuilt pointy crevice tool. I suspect Cosmo is just a long haired version.