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Katherine Prewitt

HOLY FUCK I feel like I have not seen Pintsize in an age!

Fart Captor

Clair blep is the cutest blep


Of course Pint-size is part of the problem, that's his thing.


Didn't they already have this conversation where she seriously considered doing it?

Grace Kieser

Pintsize is a connoisseur! The little robot know his smut!


i don't know why but I legitimately love the dynamic between pintsize and Claire.

Mandy Hoskins

I really like how Claire and Pintsize's relationship has developed! :)

Bonnie Fiddis

Footstagram? Thanks, I hate it!


It's not smut it's smutty art. There is a difference.

Jaron Mortimer

"Ahhh, she's only in it for the money, not the science!"




Of *course* Pintsize is part of the problem, Claire. That's his raisin d'art.

Michael Boettger

I'm getting the feeling that we're entering a period between arcs. A good opportunity to catch up with everyone. So, yeah, Steve, and maybe Cossette. Marigold, Momo, and Dale, Jim and Veronica, etc.

Peter McDevitt

they're talking about Martens' mom, aren't they...

Will Weaver

Footstagram sounds positively horrifying.


I'm enjoying this run of appearances from old characters. It seems age has mellowed Pintsize. He hasn't sworn yet!


oh no you made her CUTER


I actually am rereading all of QC now and just read the part wete she previously said she would be fine with it as long as it was just her feet because she doesn't judge what people get off to. Jephhhh. You made her less woke jephhhh. Edit: Just to make sure everyone knows. I am just joking, it was not my intention to seem like I was calling Jeph out. I thought it was funny to say that she's less woke in a sarcastic way because she doesn't wanna sell feet pics, but I understand the sarcasm probably didn't translate through text.

Darnel D Cooper

Okay,... that made me smile,... that Pintsize offered advice, Clair went to the site he was talking about to prove why she didn't want her feet objectified,... and then complaining about how modeled feet were getting razzed. I think Pintsize is almost ready,....


Also jeph can we please get a Kickstart going for a questionable content sitcom. I'd love to see it. Not saying I should be Marten, butttt, I'm average height dark, now medium length hair, with bright blue eyes, and a subdued emo-ish background. And im awkward as fuck. So ya know.


Yes, Pintsize does artful arrangements of raisins in his spare time.


I can see Reddit reacting now, and it is delicious! I may or may not have read this exact sentiment on there.

Joseph Bonnar

Jeph, how do you keep on doing this great stuff? And I would PAY to see PINTSIZE'S feet! :P

Michael Boettger

When she was considering this earlier, Marten suggested seeking out his mom's input, IIRC.

Mad Marie

Jeph, something about that second panel—Claire looks particularly awesome.

Mad Marie

17% of Pintsize’s RAM is devoted to meticulously archiving Footstagram, Kinkstagram, and Buttstagram. (He used to also follow Inchstagram, but after a while it just became mostly cast photos of Neal Patrick Harris in Hedwig and he eventually unsubscribed)

Mad Marie

You might get extra points for the additional “t”s in “but”


Jeph cheated just a little bit in that second panel. Pintsize is still the same size but Claire is a little bit larger, which makes her feel closer to you. Plus she is sticking the tip of her tongue like a puppy. Turn up the adorability to 11!

Alex Kosnett

Claire knows it’s a problematic panpodicon, but there’s genuinely effective orthopedic activism happening on Footstagram and she feels obligated to keep up with it.


Trader Joe's. People love working there, but all too quickly seem to move on to bigger and better things. Every time I go in there I get asked to apply. I'm in the distancing line to get in, chatting up the door monitor, and I get told Trader Joe's is hiring. I ask a shelf stocker for directions to a product, and by the time we get to where it is, I'm told Trader Joe's is hiring. I'm in the checkout line and chat with the cashier, and I'm told Trader Joe's is hiring. I thought they did it to everyone who could put two words together, so I tried to look at what was going on. And it seems to be just me. Trader Joe's wasn't anywhere on my career list (I'm an engineer), but now I find myself giving it serious consideration. I think Trader Joe's may be a cult. And I find myself strangely OK with that. Hey, Claire! I hear Trader Joe's is hiring!


Due to a podcaster I listen to adding herself to it, I happen to know that WikiFeet is real. (Carrie is not sensitive about her toes being fetishized.)

Jon Guyer

At least Footstagram isn’t the right wing cesspool that FootBook has become


She found that feed WAY too fast. She's obviously given this some thought already. XD

Lucanid Landman

Well, there was another whole mini-arc about where Claire did give it some thought.


That Claire face in panel 2 is the best!


Hmm, alternate names. FeetStreet, SoleCalibre, MississippiMud ( it's fun to beat your feet on the...) ToesOftheTown,


Before you judge someone's feet, first walk a mile in their shoes

Evgeniy Semyonov

That's why you use other resources, like OnlyFeet, where you can block creepiest of commenters and not forced to do all these dirty tricks like SEO, cross-promotions and all that other "I want to be an influencer" crap. Just honest job of giving people the feet pics they want.


Good idea, that way you’ll be a mile away so they won’t hear you judging their feet, and you get to keep their shoes.


Best one in a while. That really got me laughing.


Why is this familiar? Didn't Pintsize already try this?


It took me a while, but I found the original with Claire musing on the possibility (one back for Pintsize wanting to take photos of her feet)- https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=4092


Is it weird that I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t care if someone was getting off to pictures of my feet?


Mind you, I wouldn’t want someone to be a sneaky creep about it. Be an up-front creep and pay me for those pictures.

Marc Kevin Hall

I suspect that if Claire softens her position on this it'll be quite profitable. She's a shoe-in!


I'm not going to go looking, but I'm sure there really are sites like that somewhere on the Interwebz.


idk, unless pintsized posted that opinion he's perfectly ok with just having one


Over the past few days I have binge read every issue. Now I'm here. Love the work boss


Foostagram Pandemic Special- 6 feet free if you sign up now


Fun fact: The people who own Trader Joe’s also owns Aldi. Yes, that Aldi.

Kriss Pang

Now for some bizarre reason I'm curious if Pintsize has shown off his own feet.