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It's: Hannelore




I kinda need a print of the "I'm ozymandius lol" for my wall....

Bonnie Fiddis

Yay Hanners! But nobody deserves death by PowerPoint

Andrea Andrew

Good to see Hannes. Now, if only we could see May and Sven again, too.

Lana Del Prey

She's really holding on to that tan


I finished another full read-through of the whole of QC today

Michael Boettger

Hanners, you're frightening me. Step back, deep breath. Of course she has the financial wherewithal to make things happen.


even considering its coming from hanners, despite not even being a rejecting librarian; I feel threatened


I missed her so much!



Jackie Horn

Hanners: A Good Friend.


Thank goodness Hanners was never in the Girl Scouts during cookie season. (Looking forward to their new French toast cookies.)

Bo Blackstar

Jeph: Aha, if I just raise the frame a teeny bit, I don't even have to draw Hannelore's top! I'm a genius!


Steve. Steve is the only one we need to see again.

Mari San

*The presentation is about Hannelore threatening them* Jesus Jeph XD


What makes you think she's still wearing a top? It would be just like Marten not to react.


“And this slide is what it will look like when the space laser on my father’s space station destroys your grandmother’s house...”

Todd Ellner

There's a lot more of her Mom in there than she usually shows

Mad Marie

Wasn’t there a conversation about Station offering orbital railgun bombardment as a favor at some point a few years back?

Amanda Miller

Thank you for bringing Hannelore back!

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

Keeping in mind that Hannelore has access to a satellite with the equivalent of ballistic orbital weapons....

Joel Bateman

I still love Tannelore, she's just so cute, and I love how she's more assertive. Also I'm sure Station would love to fire one off.


Rachel Dill is going to be getting a PowerPoint explaining how she can hire Claire and avoid getting fired out of a cannon in one easy step!

Anthony Gaglianese

.....who's the new blonde girl? She seems nice.

David Durant


Jim Feldman

My powerpoint is made from Damascus steel. "Damascus Steel" being the font I used.


I'm still waiting for the big reveal that she hooked up with a model from the Sexy Firefighter's Calendar after her sabbatical. She's been making steady progress. I think it's time she got some ACTION. :)


Hanners and Claire together are unstoppable


Presentation: Why You Reconsidered Claire And Remained Breathing :)

David Barr

Sadly, the Damascus font costs $600, and I don't need a joke to succeed that badly.


If I were Claire, I would not want Hannelore intervening on my behalf like this, especially without my consent. Hopefully Hannelore will learn to understand that; this could be a good growth moment for her.

Hugh Eckert

According to my spouse the tech writer, even the *prospect* of a Powerpoint presentation is indeed something to threaten someone with.


Alternate Presentation: What to Do to Ensure That I Allow You to Keep Your Hands

Gary Walker

Sounds like a job for Tilly Birch.

Jim Feldman

They'd be pretty relentless, but I believe they're busy keeping Hannelore's father on track

Ted Van Roekel

Martin, why are you not comforting Claire? With whatever she needs to get through this? Do we need to dildo slap you again?


Also mention the length of the presentation, that will be the finisher.

Captain Button

This is the start of the long-awaited "Release The Virus" arc, isn't it?


This is some old school QC humor right here

Yelling Bird



We don't know how much later this is. They could have had an good reassuring snuggle on the couch until one of them said "I want a coffee"

Michael Boettger

Um, bear in mind that Rachel is a real person, and not associated with a library. Although it would be a hoot if someone told her about this, and she drops by to say hello.


PowerPoint is like violence - if it doesn't work, you're not using enough... (or was that XML?)


For some people, saying that you're going to show them a PowerPoint presentation is a threat all by itself.


"I'm Ozymandias, lol" ?? Is that a Rene Magritte thing or what?

Solomon Garland

Nah, the original ozymandias poem (can't remember who by) is about a broken statue in a desert. Google should bring you to it.


Wait, did Marten just kinda sorta assert himself?

Steven Lloyd

Of all the new characters that have been introduced over the last 6-8 months, she might be my favorite (I kid, I kid) :) [But I TOTALLY called a digression of about 14 comics about the randos in the taco shop back in 4331


Michael, PLEASE tell me how you managed to enter a CRLF after "breath." Whenever I try it, it doesn't work.


You mean Hannelore, daughter of the "father of the AIs"?