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ZERO chill



Grace Kieser

Oh, Clinton, you poor, sweet, completely oblivious cinnamon bun!

Lord Crusade

Ah, the classic QC tactical anecdote missile, it’s been awhile

Eric Sieck

Clinton got so startled his robot hand turned into a human hand!

Michael Boettger

Other night? Oh yeah, QC time. I forgot.


As a fellow bisexual...this entire exchange tracks.


And that's when you say "Fuck it" and go all out....


Timing is everything

Molly McAllister

...and, forgot Clinton's robot-hand?


Maybe it’s like a phantom limb thing? Or a sign that they’re all in a simulated universe, either or.

Dylan T

Man, sliding time scales are weird


Someone call ahead, get her to make brownies.


Just some Disaster Bi's hanging out....

Everett Bradshaw

The title of this one is cringey...


I don't know who needs to hear this, but you're not a disaster bi until you've personally forced a Waffle House to close.


Am I the only one who JUST realized these two have the same frames? What surprises me even more is that this thought completely derailed my fascination with barrettes.


I was expecting a nickelback joke when I read the title


Just don’t come out until your mum is blazed. Simple.


You always manage to capture a wholesome frame and I have no idea how you do it. Thank you for your brilliant work x


Clinton's mom is also Claire's mom. And Claire came out to mom as being trans, right? I suspect her son being bi may not change her world as much as Clinton fears.


"Oh. Well, that's not totally a surprise. Pass the peas?"

David Durant

"The other night"? Does anyway have a strip reference showing how long ago that was in our time? I know everything feels long ago in the before-times but that feels like it was about two years ago...

Brooks Moses

No, I don't think that's the problem. I think the problem is navigating his feelings about Elliott with his mom being there. And, knowing her, providing encouragement.


Hey Claire, did you have your brothers permission to be talking about this to other people?


Where Faye scar?


Great question! It wouldn't be the first time Claire has been too free to share info.


Luckily Clinton and Claire have one of the most chill moms of all time


Clinton apparently also has a color changing robot hand or glove in the last frame.

Sleepy John

Fear not. Cosmo is accepting.


That may be the test, right? If Cosmo says Elliot's cool, then Elliot's cool.


It does not matter. Both my adult children tell me I'm the chillest dad they know, but their lives are their own, and I was the big, loomingest part of it for the majority of it, and the three or five years since they became adults and took control of their own lives does not undo that. Your parents are your parents; some things, like romance and sex, are just not to be contemplated around them.


In sheer shock, Clinton regenerates his hand.

Doug DeJulio

In my headcanon Clinton just found out his hand has chromatophores no you shut up.


https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=4282 Early June 2020, if my math is correct.


Clinton and Faye are both bakas


It's not like you to say sorry...


Aww, no Faye, it was good! Better for him to freak out before. Especially enough before that he'll have the time to calm down and think things through, maybe even make a plan. :)

Matt Grayson

Anyone notice Faye’s use of “deploy”? She’s picked up some of her girlfriend’s speech patterns. Subtle and wonderful.

Mad Marie

I mean, you can’t blame Clinton for forgetting the dinner plans...it’s been months.

Jackie Horn

Let's be real, neither Clinton nor Elliot have any chill.

Shane Wegner

::laugh track:: ::funky slap bass riff::


Faye is... helping?

Dan Curtis

anyone else notice that he grew his hand back in the last panel.


I sense that some overthinking is about to happen.


Clinton, your mom is so chill you could keep a side of meat in her for a month, and so hip she has trouble seeing over her own pelvis. Relax!


Covert inking, you say? Like Sam coloring in his hand while he's distracted?


There's an awful lot of double... maybe triple entendre to unpack here.


Now I understand the phrase "laughed like a drain" oh that face on Faye ahahaha


As a pansexual in a multiple people relationship, I LOVE being middle spoon.

Bruce Steinberg

Clinton, Clinton, Clinton. Your mom has a late night booty call roughly Elliott’s age and size; she’ll completely understand.


He lost his robot hand in the last panel.


I'm in this picture and I don't like it.


Maugustus (she REALLY does need a name, Jeph) plays rock, dates guys in their 20s, smokes weed, and has a trans daughter. Her reaction to Clinton taking up with Elliot won't be anything beyond, "He seems like a nice boy." She COULD jump Elliot's bones if she wanted to, but she wouldn't go there.

David Howe

Faye clearly regaining the high ground by scaring him witless again :)


That's . . . OK. That's true. Elliot does have a certain zen, but yeah, no chill.


Clinton is literally the "panik" face in the last panel


I could see Jeph going with “Cadence” or “Cindy.”