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d a n g e r z o n e

Andrea Andrew

I wonder how excited Willow will be when she learns that Faye and Bubbles are a couple.

Bruce Steinberg

Where does Skull Master rank on the Danger Index?


But wait, hasn’t Willow been here before? When Iris got her spray from Sam?

Michael Boettger

Perhaps Faye and Bubbles were in another part of the shop? Sam usually works near the front, where the light is better.

Michael Boettger

And that is a fair assessment from Clinton. Although Faye is less scarier than she was in the past.

Livy N

So how long have you been waiting to use that title 😂

Gary Walker

So...I guess since he missed Sam, Clinton can just go smooch Eliot now.

Captain Button

She should get bitten by a radioactive spider for that.


Am I the only one to realize that Willow is the Anti-Faye? The two must never meet! Only unimaginable ANIHILATION will occur!

Rob McBobson

Willow, Clinton telling you of Faye's scariness IS the universe warning you (assuming that the universe does things like that).

Captain Button

She is Faye's clone, like the one Hannalore has... (Except Faye is the Evil Twin in this case.)


“No Faye’s a human. And way scarier than Bubbles.” Truth. Thank you Clinton.


Yes, be careful Willow! ... Or you might stumble into a loving relationship full of mutual enjoyment and growth!

Emma Humphries

Willow's going to meet Marigold and end up workshopping some Magical Love Gentlemen AU fic.

Shane Wegner

So do they realize that Sam is the daughter of the owner of the bakery of which the employee that is Elliot who is the possible crush that it the source of the meeting Willow conversation, and that it’s all a big Indra’s Web of interconnection yet?


Yeah, given that Willow started with Clinton and Elliot she got the soft option first. Maybe introduce her to Marten and Dale next?


Weirdly, my social life in Florida was actually like this in the Before Times.


With the danger of being written out of the main story.


That was a bit of an anticlimax.


Willow seems to be forgetful, as she's already been here and met Faye. https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=4124


She did get lost in a yarn shop once, so I think forgetting that she was at that place once is absolutely in character.

Erin Moriarty

Pa el 2 Bubbles is best Bubbles


Faye would be insulted not to be thought of as scarier than Bubbles.


Today has been weird. I woke up with a funny lyric in my head and started writing stanzas that turned into verses. Then a melody arrived that had a bit of a twang to it, the words in my head took on a Southern accent, and the vocals started doing that silly bass dip somewhere in each line. I was writing a Country song. And I don't listen to Country. Not at all, unless a cross-over somehow reaches me. But my lyrics painted a story that was a funny problem with a funny solution that also had a touching and warm arc to it, while also being a little sexy, a little naughty, and very, very awkward. In other words, the kind of song that only Country has a real home for, with a genuine sub-culture and history. The next thing I thought of was Sven. Now, finally, I understand that character. Then I had a mini identity crisis (I'm OK now). I had to immediately share this with you, my QC peeps. We've discussed many QC IRL crossovers here, but this one nearly had me wetting my pants. Just so you know this is not BS, here's the opening (and probably the chorus): I like lovin' in the morning, though you prefer evening. You wake up so slow, when I'm rarin' to go. Dinner makes you desire me, the meal makes me sleepy. We are both in our prime, but horny one at a time. It goes on from there, and it gets raunchy in that delightful PG13-innuendo way as the solution comes into view. Which provides its own problems, leaving room for a funny twist at the end. The working title? What could it possibly be, other than "Morning Wood"!


My sage's (?geezer's?) blessing to new couples - "May your friskiness levels always be in phase."


When was the last time we saw Martin?


We never saw Marten, he's just a figment of our imagination