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aww bubbles


Zero days without an incident. Aww.

Aaron Schulz

Why you gotta do my girl bubbles like that?


I wanna see CLINTON talk this out with her honestly

Dylan T

Here's the real question. How does Bubbles scale to the Resident Evil vampire lady?

Cody Renton

Days since last workplace frightening: 0

Yonatan Zunger

it's not your fault, Bubbles. we love you.

Peter McDevitt

Days Without Bubbles Intimidation sign rolls over to zero.

Grace Kieser

Bubbles is smiling and being very nonthreatening! I'm afraid if she TRIED to look scary, Willow would just die of fright, on the spot!

Joel Bateman

Aww, but Bubbles is a gentle giant...unless you hurt her Faye, or her friends. Or...you're Pintsize.

Rob McBobson

Reminds me of what I read about this big black guy. He'd been standing in line at the ATM, and tried to look friendly so the old white woman in front of him wouldn't be scared. And then it struck him how much time he spent just trying to make white people not feel threatened by him.


Drat :3


I can't help but think that half the shops troubles come from keeping the shutters half down like that. How many people just assume they must be closed?


aww bubs!

Michael Boettger

Wasn't Willow around when Iris got her spray ( did Iris get a spray?) and she didn't notice nice giant robot lady in the same room?


To be fair, Clinton is almost as non-threatening as Claire


this is so fucking rude lol, poor Bubbles ❤️❤️

Ashley Thomas

aww poor bubbles. she was being friendly.

Andrew L Butula

Especially since she isn't the only massive AI in town. I get that the ones from the old robot fighting ring are outliers, but if you live in town long enough you're bound to bump into them occasionally, and Bubbles at least looks less intimidating than most of them despite the probability that she's the most dangerous.

Michael Boettger

Well, it may be right at opening time, and they're just getting ready. Or they're trying to regulate the temperature a bit. AIs might be less uncertain about the shop's status.


I know next to nothing about Resident Evil, but Lady Dimitrescu is apparently 8' tall, or 9'6" dressed. I'd guess Bubbles is no more than 7' tall. #TheMoreYouKnow




Ok, the cowering is rude, but it's also ADORABLE!


She was smiling and being pleasant. Willow just hid because... what? Because she's large?


"Forcibly befriended"


first her weird boundary invasion with clinton now judging someone for their body...bad willow 😠

Hugh Eckert

I agree with all the feels in prior comments but also find the idea of anyone hiding behind Clinton to be hilarious.

Yonatan Zunger

I have to say I'm feeling kind of upset by this comic. It may be because I identify so much with Bubbles, and feel very protective of her as a result... but I'm feeling a marked shift from liking Willow (after the past few strips) to wanting to give her a swift kick to the curb. Hopefully this feeling will pass and Willow will fix what she just did.


50% of frames contain the barrette. I am content.


I don't see Willow as judging Bubbles, at least not consciously. It seems like an involuntary reaction; hell, maybe she's got PTSD from another "huge scary robot lady." Regardless, it was unkind, & it's Willow's problem, not Bubbles's, & it's not OK that Bubbles feels bad for it, too.


Sorry that it sounds like you've dealt w/ some of the same stuff as Bubbles. I hope the Willow-like reactions were followed up by some effort to make it right w/ you more often than I fear they probably were.


Am I the only one not triggered to immediately whomping Willow (see what I did there?) and are instead concerned about her side of the story, of why she immediately reacted this way?


This is why the word "adorkable" was created.


Come one, Clinton can be intimidating... OK, when I typed it out I found the flaw in the sentence above


That double meaning was intentional, right?

Evgeniy Semyonov

Imagine how the comment section would have looked if Willow was an old familiar character and Bubbles was just recently introduced?


It can still get to two weeks if their bodies are never found... *maniacal grin*


You're not. But then again, it's not the first time some of the reactions on here have baffled me.

Darnel D Cooper

Meh,.. all the Clinton and Bubbles hate. Stop it. Clinton has done nothing to deserve being called useless, and Bubbles can't help intimidating some folk,.... her and Yay got that honest,... though I chuckle at Yay because she works at being mildly scary,....


Yay trying to intimidate Elliot and failing was pretty funny. https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=4374 BTW, Yay is "they", but probably if you met them and called them "she", they wouldn't get sad, they'd get even ;-)


I'm imagining Willow meeting pre-Faye Bubz.... and its lol worthy.


I never understand these reactions but I suppose it's because I find the way Jeph draws Bubbles is very cute.


Maybe she ran into Murderbot in the past.


What is it with characters wanting to be more frightening? Yay was peeved that Elliot wasn't scared of them, and now Clinton seems similarly annoyed. Can't they see how cuddly they all are?

Solomon Garland

Pretty sure Willow has been into their shop before, when Iris was getting her "no heart" spray... Maybe she just didn't run into bubs?


To be fair, Bubbles is about five or six times her size.


shop needs one of those signs on the wall: It Has Been ___ Days Since Our Last Inadvertent Frightening.

David Howe

Need one each. But the one for Faye would NOT be inadvertent...

Comics Ladybird

Huge scary robot lady needs hug, badly.


Or even slightly post-Faye Bubs. https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3058 https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3065


I volunteer as tribute! But seriously...I love Bubbles cause even though she looks like she could put the hurt on you (and would if you wronged Faye), she's soft and squishy inside.

Christopher Burke

Scary bot Scary bot You're intimidating It's not your fault!